Monday, 17 October 2011

Your Perspective Determines How Far You Grow!

Look closely...What do you see?

Is it a rabbit or a duck? This picture portrays an optical illusion which causes us to look a little closer than normal.

Let's face it, most people have become comfortable with accepting their current state of being. Some even prefer to see the glass as half empty rather than half full to avoid false hope or being disappointed. Many of us are risk averse and never step out in life to try something new or different.

Your perspective in life will ultimately determine your destination. If you are dreaming of opening up a company, but can only see the obstacles in your way, then shift your focus to one where you recognize that if others have done it, then you can too!

The world of media and marketing have paved the road for many businesses that have simply started out at home with one laptop computer. With the proper branding and design, your company can portray the global image that you are working toward for the future, today!

For example, facebook, and many other social media sites, as well as numerous businesses that we respectand support, demonstrate that there is power in numbers. Ensure that your business idea extends beyond your circle of family and friends. It must be something that the masses, (global market) needs or wants.

What is your perspective on starting small and growing? Do you resent humble beginnings? I have realized that building a solid foundation is essential. Anything success that is attained overnight, often comes with future setbacks or simply won't last very long. Furthermore, we appreciate the success even more after the long battle through trials, failures, setbacks, and the like.

As I sit and ponder on how I can ensure that my thoughts remain global, I remind myself of the goal- to make a positive impact on the world, by providing information and innovative ideas to those I meet daily.
Expanding our thinking is a process, but our minds have to be opened to begin.

When we look at the business moguls of the world today, we sometimes forget that they too started out small, but grew in leaps and bounds by staying focused, choosing to overcome obstacles, building endurance by never giving up, and by remaining confident that their ideas were worth millions until someone else believed it!

Truly the perspective you choose today, will build or break your mindset. Think big, then plan for bigger, until your business is much larger than you.

While you are climbing the ladder, it is also important to help others each step of the way.
Greatness and Success only become lonely when you get there by yourself.

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