Monday, 24 October 2011

Training is Essential for Self/Professional Development

Photo from training done by SageEden
Make today a "Training Day"!

The old adage is are never too old to learn something new.
The journey to self discovery doesn't happen overnight. As a matter of fact, it's a process that comes with many challenges along the way. However, it's up to you to turn those obstacles into opportunities!

Each year, I try to find ways to learn new things, to gain and give inspiration, and to also network with persons in my industry locally and abroad. Let's be real...Personal development and Training may be expensive but there are always ways to cut cost, expecially if you plan ahead.

Companies should invest in additional customer service and skills training for a number of reasons. Firstly, to remain on the cutting edge with technology, and innovation, you have to keep motivating your team and provide opportunities for diverse learning.  Training also increases your chances of learning new tips and tricks in your respective trade or industry.

Simply if you want each team member to be more successful on and off the job, training is a great idea. It gives each person less of an excuse to fail!

Additionally, investing in training keeps your organziation growing. You don't want to fall behind.

Markets are changing quickly and it's important to remember that training increases employee morale, boosts individual self- esteem, increases productivity and yes, saves time and money in the long run!

Organizations and businesses are only as good as the people in them!

Take advantage of local conferences. We can all learn from anyone. Sometimes we discredit the value of a seminar based on who is hosting it. Well...even Oprah and John Maxwell started small. However, each time you take the risk and go for your dream, you are building confidence in your ability to do something different, and building that same confidence in others to believe in your dream!

Each time I have personally invested in training I have not regretted it! Meeting new people is always amazing! Some of my life long friendships were developed through corporate training seminars or and educational meeting of some sort.
I have also met many of my clients through events where I have personally served as a trainer, or was gaining insight myself.

It's a beautiful thing to see yourself or your business blossom from a seed to a beautiful orchard!
If you need more ideas on training or would like for us to offer a training session for your organization, connect with us and we would be happy to connect with you!

1 comment:

  1. Your words of wisdom remind me of a similar theme penned by Jim Collins in his best selling book Good to Great. Interesting, it is no secret nor irregularity that training budgets are s sometimes the least and the first line item to decrease in a financial crisis.

    Aligned with you,
