Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Building good employer/employee relations

Hello and Happy Wednesday everyone! You're about halfway through the work week -- on your way to a well-deserved break this weekend.

Most of my posts have been about public relations, but let's face it, promoting your business is useless if your business isn't working well from the inside out. Without the mechanics of the organization working well, you can't create a good product. Part of what we do here at SageEden is training -- we teach entire organizations the soft skills they need to create loyal clients. 

Today, I want to talk about employer/employee relations. Having a workforce that is motivated to do good work comes from them feeling respected, comfortable and valued on the job. One way to ensure that employees feel this way is to give them credit where credit is due. When someone does a good job, commend them for it. It shows that you value them enough to pay attention to that good things that they do and lets them know that they are contributing directly to the success of the company. In this same vein, if an employee does something wrong, don't belittle them or point out their faults in front of others. Pull the person you are managing aside, clearly identify the problem and give suggestions on how to handle the problem next time.

Another way of building good employer/employee relations is to include employees in the decision-making process. Show employees that their thoughts and opinions are important and valuable. It is also a great team-building exercise to get everyone working together on finding a solution to a problem. Also, allow employees to feel like there is an open line of communication between them and managers. Allot time for comments, questions and suggestions when you speak.

A major complaint of many employees is that their employers aren't considerate of their outside obligations. Remember that your employees have lives outside of work. They too have children, spouses, parents, siblings and friends that require attention. Don't demand that employees serve the company 100% of the time. In the end, you will create a poor reputation for yourself and your business, and good employees will take their skills elsewhere.

All of these suggestions for building good employer/employee relations seem to fall on the employer. However, the employee also has a major role to play. Make your boss feel more inclined to build a good relationship by arriving at work on time, showing good work ethic, and displaying a positive attitude. No employer will make the effort to create a relationship with an employee who is always in a bad mood or slacks off on the job. Show yourself worthy of your employer's time and energy.

If you are interested in training for your organization, don't hesitate to contact us. What we have on this blog is just part of a wealth of knowledge we have available to share with your employees or co-workers. Remember -- good employees lead to good business.

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