Friday 16 December 2011

Wacky marketing stunts that failed

As a follow-up to Wednesday's article, I want to present you with some marketing stunts that didn't achieve their desired goal. These are hilarious, but the funny factor isn't the only reason I am posting these.

Marketing requires planning! Don't waste time and money doing a stunt that won't work because you didn't plan it properly. Here are a few prime examples of that:

1. Snapple
Snapple ambitiously set out to make the world's largest popsicle made of frozen Snapple juice. The problem? 80-degree weather! The 25-foot tall, 17.5 ton kiwi-strawberry popsicle melted and juice ran out of Times Square and into the streets of Manhattan. This snafu is now infamous -- but they say any publicity is good publicity? Right?

Marketing Lesson: Check external factors and come up with a Plan B.

2. Vodafone
At a rugby match, two streakers interrupted the game wearing only strategically-placed Vodafone logos. Streaking is against the law, so of course, the police got involved. The streakers were arrested before the game was over, and a Vodafone rep was forced to apologize for encouraging the unlawful action. The company ended up donating $30,000 to a campaign aimed at reducing sports injuries.

Marketing Lesson: Any marketing stunt that requires you to break the law is a bad stunt.

3. Pepsi

In the Phillipines, Pepsi has always been #2 to Coke. In an attempt to overtake Coke, Pepsi started a "Number Fever Promo" -- they offered prizes of up to P1 million to those who had bottle caps with winning numbers on them. When #349 was announced as a winner, tens of thousands of Filipinos were winners -- but Pepsi refused to pay them all, claiming that the caps did not contain the proper security codes because of a computer glitch. Lawsuits and riots ensued and Pepsi remained at #2.

Marketing Lesson: Cross your T's and dot your I's when executing a stunt like this!

4. Dell
This year, to celebrate the release of the new Dell Streak tablet, a sales manager decided to boost employee spirit and make the release a memorable event. To do this, he got a person dressed as a biker in all black (including a mask) storm into the building and gather all 400 employees in the lobby. The stunt was designed to show the Streak working with Harley Davidson, but it just made people afraid and prompted them to call the police -- especially after seeing the man carrying "two metallic objects" in his hands. To  make matters worse, the man refused to cooperate with the officers and tried to continue with the stunt. That landed him in jail. This was definitely a marketing fail.

Marketing Lesson: In this age of violence, don't make people panic.

Hope you enjoyed!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Wacky marketing stunts that worked!

Hello everyone! Hope your day has been as good as ours.

Recently, I was reading an article about some interesting marketing tactics that big companies have successfully executed. Marketing is all about thinking outside of the box, and here are a few examples of where this was done.

1. Maui Beverages
Because this company wasn't well known, their PR department suggested something fun to reflect what their company was all about. They changed their executive titles from "Chief Executive Officer" and "Chief Technology Officer" to "Chief Entertainment Officer" and "Chief Tasting Officer". Then, the company founders hosted an annual conference of food and beverage trade writers. They threw a huge island-themed party  where they gave out free sunglasses, and of course, free samples of Maui Beverages. Naturally, after all of this, the company started getting a lot of press coverage, which translated into big money. Their annual sales have gone from $6 million in 2004 to a projected $10 million by year's end.

Marketing Lesson: Don't pray for someone to notice your under-the-radar company. Be exciting and creative, and guarantee that people will.

2. is a retail site with serious discounts on a variety of products. To promote the site, paid Halfway, Oregon, to change the name of their town to for one year. They gave Halfway $100,000, computers for the local school and other financial subsidies. This caught the media's attention and became very well known. Five months later, eBay bought for $300 million.

Marketing Lesson: Creativity works and money talks.

Online casinos are legally restricted from advertising in traditional media, had got to be creative to grab the public's attention. They have done stunts that include paying people to tattoo their logo on  body parts to purchasing William Shatner's kidney stone and auctioning it off for charity. But their most famous stunt had to be when they bought a partially-eaten grilled cheese sandwich for $28,000. This pricey sandwich was special because the Virgin Mary's likeness had been burned into the bread. All of the big news networks covered the purchase, which was an advertising steal at under $30,000. After the purchase, they extended their publicity by buying the pan that cooked the sandwich and selling t-shirts with the image of the sandwich. The sandwich even went on a world tour and later sparked the World Grilled Cheese Eating Championship.

Marketing Lesson: Sometimes being outlandish pays off. Just make sure that the marketing stunt fits your the character of the business.

Hope you all enjoyed these marketing success stories. Use them as inspiration when designing your marketing stunts. If you need some help, get in contact with us at!

Monday 12 December 2011

Christmas is the Time for Sharing!

Well it's that time of year when everyone looks forward to wrapping up the old and bringing in the new!
As we go throughout the rest of December, are we reflecting on the lessons we have learned over the past 11 months?
Have we grown or are we going through the motions, only to repeat the same thing again, year after year?

It truly is a time where we can stop and think, spend alone time looking at the goals we wrote out in January and conduct a thorough self assesment.

Yes, we love decorating our home, offices and trimming the trees, along with getting our fill of all the scrumptious meals; while we are celebrating, let's also remember the real reason for the season-- Christ who came as a baby, with a mission to save us all.

I note that His ability to focus in on purpose, produced a passion to make a difference in the lives of all He came in contact with.

How are we making a difference, are our businesses or professional lives reflecting that of kindness, compassion and goodwill? Or have we become selfish, over consumers, and persons who are only interested in personal gain?

I would love to think that we will choose to think of others who are not as fortunate as we are, and give love to them!
I would encourage all entrepreneurs to also adopt a cause that you would feel happy about donating to.

The New Year will bring its own gifts, challenges and more....but let's enjoy today, and make it special for someone else as well!

I hope that you and your family have a safe, prosperous holiday season, and an even happier New Year!!

Friday 9 December 2011

SageEden CEO featured in the Media!

Hello all!

Exciting news once again for SageEden -- SageEden CEO Sharell Carroll was featured in the Thursday issue of The Punch in the "Woman in action" section. 

This was another great opportunity to put SageEden in the spotlight and expose the company to new publics. If you know of media opportunities to highlight your company, take them!

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Getting it all done!

So often, we have so many things to do that it becomes completely overwhelming. This is especially true during the holiday season, where you have to juggle work, events and family. It will seem as if there are just not enough hours in the day to get it all done. These tips I will provide you with will help you to make the most of your time and hopefully help you feel less like the guy in the photo.

1.    Write everything down – With the number of things we will have to remember, you’re bound to forget something. Write your to-do list for each day and week, placing the highest priority items at the top of the list. Cross off each item as you complete it for strong sense of accomplishment. Feel free to make this list on a notepad, or on your iPad. Just make sure that it is someplace accessible.

2.       Use your garbage/recycling bin – Sometimes things aren’t as jumbled as we think. Go through all of the items on your desk. If they are useful, keep them. If not, toss them. You should try as far as possible to keep electronic copies of everything that is important. Also, clean up your computer’s desktop. An organized work space will make a world of difference!

3.      A place for everything – After getting rid of all of that junk, make sure that the important things you saved have a home. Put all accounting records in the top left drawer, all personnel files in the top right. Continue using your system of organization as new things come in. Now, you won’t spend precious time wondering where you put things.

4.       Plan well – Don’t give yourself 10 minutes to drive from work to a meeting when you know the drive takes 30 minutes. Don’t plan to stay at the holiday party for one hour when you know that you can never leave before the Secret Santa gifts are given out. Be realistic! You’ll rush less and enjoy life a little more.

5.      Take control – If you feel like you’re becoming crushed by too many commitments, take a night off. Paula will understand that you can’t come to her Christmas quilting party. Michael will get over it if you can’t come over to watch the NBA game on Christmas Day. Don’t try to do everything. It’s the best way to be productive during this busy season!

Enjoy the holidays everyone! 

Monday 5 December 2011

Shower Her With Love

Over the weekend Team SageEden had a wonderful time coordinating the games and prizes for a Baby Shower!
The planning and coordination took careful consideration of the baby's gender, as well as the fact that it's the mom's first baby after numerous attempts. The moments had to be extra special.

SageEden hosting was much appreciated, as we encouraged laughter, artistic creativity and flair with many of the games, and smiles as we distributed the prizes! Most importantly, the expecting mother, was overjoyed with the love that she received.

Why go through all the stress of coordinating your own games at a shower you are throwing? Just hire us and we will take care of everything! We assisted with greeting the guests, the games, and opening the gifts!

As you enjoy the holidays, remember that SageEden Media Group is ready to assist you with coordinating your next event! Enjoy!

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Persevere, Keep Going, Stay Motivated!

Have you ever had goals that you set that you looked back on to find that you never completed them? Maybe it’s a novel you were working on (like me), or learning a new dance step- whatever it is we have all been there. Starting out with the best intentions but falling short because of unmotivation. Even the best of us can feel unmotivated at times. Sometimes you feel so unmotivated that making small decisions is hard. But you can get out of the slump by going through some simple steps, small baby steps in fact.

At times it can look to be impossible at times around you. Just getting out of bed is a struggle. This feeling can make you feel so depressed and hurt inside. You’re not alone. Most successful persons have been there before. At times the road to be successful involves you having to fall on your face and getting back up.

For instance to exercise there are days I am so motivated that I cannot stop- other days it is like pulling teeth. It is hard to get started exercising when your body and soul feel depressed. But you can motivate yourself with the steps listed below:

  1. Make a Goal. Having a goal ensures that you have a path that you can always look to if you veer off.
  2. Find inspiration. If you are inspired by music- use that, nature – use that.
  3. Get excited. Make the task/goal you have exciting- find excitement in it so it doesn’t feel like a burden.
  4. Build anticipation. This is a part of excitement but different. For instance when you are baking a cake you are excited ablout the recipe- but you anticipate the results. Make your end results the best part of your goal.
  5. Post your goal. Write out your goal somewhere that you can visually see it.
  6. Commit publicly. When you tell others your goal it makes you accountable.
  7. Think about it daily. The more you think of your goal the more you think of ways to accomplish your goal.
  8. Get support. Your friends and family can help you to keep pushing when things seem hard.
  9. Realize that there’s an ebb and flow. You won’t always be excited about your goals. Some days you will wake up not wanting to do anything- but like anything worth having you have to ride out the highs so that the lows won’t be as low.
  10. Stick with it. Keep trying. Never give up- you will see the produce of your handiwork.
  11. Start small. Really small. Small structured goals will help you get to the end of your road.
  12. Build on small successes. Each time you accomplish something use that as a springboard to further successes.
  13. Read about it daily. Research ways to achieve your goals.
  14. Call for help when your motivation ebbs. Talking to others who have accomplished their goals will help you to get tasks done.
  15. Think about the benefits, not the difficulties. When you think of your difficulties you tend to get tired before you even start. Think of the benefits of achieving your goal.
  16. Squash negative thoughts; replace them with positive ones. Be POSITIVE! I cannot stress this enough. It takes more out of your body to be negative than to smile and remain positive about your outcomes.

Until the next time I hope that this has inspired & motivated you to keep trying. Be persistent & wait to see the results of your toil & labors. Never, never, NEVER give up!

Monday 28 November 2011

Stay Connected-Get Involved with Community Events!

This past weekend, Team Sageeden Media Group participated in the SelfStarters Trade Show which showcased several businesses owned by Bahamian Entrepreneurs 30 and under.
It was also a great networking opportunity and we were able to get local media coverage in the press, via print, radio and television.
With this in mind, I wanted to remind you that there is no event too big or too small to participate in. Try to get involved with your community through trade shows and other gatherings that will give you marketing exposure and assist in promoting your company. You never know where your next client will come from so just be ready to jump in and participate.
Things to enhance your display set up at events like trade shows include:
Preparation: Be prepared in advance to have a lovely display set up. Knowing who your audience is helps a lot as well. Also try to have items that would be interactive and a sign in sheet so that you can remain in contact with those passing by or who are directly interested in your services.
A large banner: Ensure that your banner displays your company’s logo and slogan as well as a brief listing of your products or services. Remember that most people are visual so including a few photos of your various events or actual products would be beneficial.
Flyers and business cards: Don’t spare the expense! Ensure that you have eye catching and creative flyers and business cards handy because people who stop by your booth, or table will need something tangible to get in contact with you.
Visual Aids: These could include a computer screen or monitor that will portray video footage or even photos of your company’s activities.
Flowers:  Even if you don’t sell flowers, they can be a great accessory for the table. When setting up your displays, try to have something eye catching for your potential clients to notice.
People with personality: No matter how great your company is, if you don’t have the right faces and people sharing the information with those passing by, then all the effort is in vain. Smiling faces and genuine smiles definitely draw people in!
Lights camera action! Get ready to experience the best that life has to offer you as an entrepreneur who is making things happen.
Remember that your attitude determines just how far you go and grow. Life can be beautiful when you begin to believe that it can. No matter how difficult it may get, awaking to another day gives one hope that the best is still yet to come.
As the year wraps up, keep pushing. You never know where you will meet your next million dollar client, so treat everyone with respect and kindness!
All the best to you and yours!

SageEden @ The Self Starters Exhibition in the Town Centre Mall

Thursday 24 November 2011

Give Thanks

I have always loved fall. As a child it was the time that most people seemed happiest, and there was the feeling in the air that Christmas was almost here. A favorite holiday for those of us here at SageEden is Thanksgiving- because it is a time that people sit and give thanks for the blessings present in their lives.

Today is a day set aside for the act of thanksgiving,where families and friends gather around a meal and say to each other what they are thankful for- something that should be done every day. The pilgrims who came to the ‘new world’ took this day to be their way of thanking God for life and blessing them with an abundance of blessings. They realized that God grants new mercies to us daily, as such they wanted to spend one day thanking God & each other for the blessings.

When was the last time you said thanks? Speaking words of affirmation is one of the five love languages we have present. A simple thank you goes so far to making someone feel appreciated. Don’t think of it as ego-stroking as persons perform better when they know that the work they do makes a difference. And saying what you are thankful for daily helps you to look at your blessings in a better light. Thankfulness brings into your heart a spirit of cheerfulness. Which is something we all need daily.

As you go throughout this holiday season, don’t get bogged down by the commercialism, truly enjoy this season, give thanks daily for each blessing, each trial, each storm. In all of these God is present.  (Nahum 1:3) As you look at the light in each aspect of your life you see the path you must take better.

What is it that you are thankful for today? Are you thankful for life? Are you thankful for family? Are you thankful for the gifts/talents he has bestowed on you? We wanted to share with you some of the things persons are thankful for in our office as an encouragement to you.
Sharell: I am thankful for life and its many blessings...being a wife to the best husband in the world, mother and mentor to many, for the ability to worship freely, to be everything that I was created to be. I am also grateful for the heart that forgives and lives! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
Larissa: Thankful for seeing a day that so many others didn’t get to see. I am thankful for family, friends and for the opportunity to work at a job that I enjoy. Also very thankful for the awesome meal that I will enjoy today!

Shanda : I am thankful for the gifts of life & health. I am also thankful for the great family I have and friends that have truly enriched my life.

Natasha:  I am thankful for all the blessings that God has granted me this past year. I am thankful for a loving family, having the best siblings in the world, an amazing fiancé and the friends & co-workers present in my life. I am thankful most importantly for grace. Without grace I would not be where I am.

Until the next time remember to be thankful, stay positive and look ahead.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Essentials for marketing a small business

Hello everyone! Hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday. We're so excited here at SageEden. Our website is up and running -- Please visit it to find out more about our services and how to contact us.

In light of this small but significant achievement, I have decided to write a blog post about starting a small business. Recently, I have met a number of people who are striking out on their own. They have come out with creative ways to generate income and become their own bosses. So, this is dedicated to all of you! After you've created a sound business plan, gotten a business license and found your start-up money, here is what comes next.

1. What's in a name? Everything. Give your business a name that people will remember and will make it stand out from competitors. Don't give your business a name that can easily be mispronounced or sounds weird. If you do, people will have a hard time searching your business online or finding you in the phone book. And finally, don't get into legal trouble -- make sure that the name you want for your business is unique.

2. You NEED a Logo. The importance of a company logo is often underestimated, but it it vital in building brand recognition. Being recognized is the only way to be known by the public. Being known by the public is the only way to generate income. See why it's so important?

3. Get business cards. Business cards are an awesome way of networking effectively (and cheaply). Get a professionally designed card that you can hand to anyone, whether you meet them in a seminar or in the supermarket. Keep them on you at all times -- you never know when you'll meet a potential client or investor. Ensure that when you hand out the cards, you are not disingenuous. Engage the person in conversation and explain to them what you do. If you just hand them out to every person you see, it's a guarantee that the card will end up cleaning someone's fingernails.

4. Get Facebook fans. We've preached time and time again the importance of social media. It's all free, so don't limit it to Facebook -- join Twitter, Linked In and any other sites where you can get an audience. Remember to keep the accounts active and engage your visitors.

5. Add a signature to your email. It's free marketing every time you send someone an email. Take a look at the one we use here at SageEden. It includes our logo, services and contact information.

This is just a little information to help all of the aspiring millionaires out there. We do have a few other tips and tricks up our sleeves, so get in contact with us at for info on marketing packages that can help your business to flourish -- they start from just $100.

See you tomorrow, same time, same place!

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Re-Branding? What about your website?

SageEden International Media Group is re-branding itself. An aspect to this goal for us has been updating and re-vamping our website. The old website had a lot of what we did formerly- our vision for the company has changed and with that we needed a new look. We believe at SageEden that a powerful website is worth the biggest building in your city because the building will get you local and some international fame, but the website is seen and felt through millions around the world.

A website is used as a way of marketing your company’s brand & products to potential customers before they have a chance to experience your products firsthand. Unlike your company's office that may be open from 8-5, Monday thru Friday, your company’s website is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It is a global economy and your customers are not just the persons who can physically go through your product. 

Having a company website is a great way to increase the sales of your products. You have products- get them to the persons who need them, in and around your area. It is also very cost effective,  look at the cost of producing a magazine or newsletter monthly as opposed to updating your website and having a blog about your company and its services.

Having a website that is easy to manage is also a great way to let your customers know what your products are and update them on new aspects of your company as you grow. It also decreases customer frustrations as they have the information and ideas they need even when you are unavailable for consultation. This improves customer service, by providing answers to questions your clients have in an easy to read format that they can get to at anytime it is convenient for them. 

What we like about a wonderful website is that it helps you to present a professional image and to promote your services. Our website’s main goal was to do this. To give persons an image of who our company was that reflected our vision. Your competitors (especially the more established ones) have their marketing and brand together- you are trying to get everything together.

Below are some tips we used when creating our website’s new look and copy:

  • ·         Look at your competitors’ websites for an idea of what you like and don’t like.
  • ·         Ask around for general advice on what websites in your line of business others go to frequently.
  • ·         Ensure that the copy for your website is short & sweet.
  • ·         If your company is selling anything- make sure you have photos of your products or services, pictures capture the imagination and attention quicker.
  • ·         Bold colors, excessive amounts of bold fonts & distracting graphics can if used incorrectly be a bad thing.

Don’t forget to always cater to your customers wants before they even know they want it- this is what your website should ultimately do. For further tips, or if you need help with your company’s website- feel free to contact us at SageEden International Media Group.

Until the next time check out our brand new website up today:

Re-Cap of "Constellations"

Monday 21 November 2011

Building Your Brand to Attract Clients!


Team SageEden Media Group is feeling on top of the world! On Thursday, November 17th, 2011, we hosted a successful rebranding event that also provided an opportunity for networking!
Constellations was our theme, which essentially embraced the idea of "Stars gathering under the Stars" Individuals from all walks of life gathered and discussed their businesses, ideas as well as future plans.
From the feedback we received about the venue, food, programme, live music by Daniel's Den, the decor and charity opportunity, we truly felt that all the effort put into the event was worth it!

I would like to extend special thanks to Compass Point Resort, our corporate sponsor who provided an amazing ambiance overlooking the beautiful ocean! The cocktail items were scrumptious and the drinks were fruitfully satisfying.

We understand the importance of giving back to our community. With this in mind, we also hosted a silent auction and extend many thanks to all of those sponsors including:

  • Via Caffe
  • Suntime Bahamas
  • Final Accents Boutique
  • Blue Lagoon
  • Designer's Image Boutique
  • Beagard Land and Sea Designs
  • Cheesecake Heaven

Other giveaway prizes were donated by:

  • Touch of Inspiration Spa -- A facial
  • S. Carroll -- Beyonce "Heat" perfume
  • Nails by Marcia -- A manicure
  • Sherika Brown -- "The Principles and Purpose of Relationships" (authored by her!)

Now, onto branding successfully....
Every company, organization or person should establish a brand that is relatable to the target audience.
Think very carefully about the colors you chose, because they also evoke certain emotions as well as the fonts and size you select.

As we know, branding is very intentional, and it should be. No longer are consumers blindly making purchases. Rather they look for brands that are strong, and consistent in their message. You can establish a brand through a high definition logo - one that is crisp and sends a specific message.
Brands may include words or just pictures. Some people have such a strong brand that they are able to use one letter in their name :) I think we all know and appreciate the gifts in that person! (O!)

a brand sets you a part from the rest of your competitiors. It causes you to be recognized for your quality product and/or service.

SageEden initially started out as the select company for Event Coordination with a few other products.
This was the first logo:

As the company grew and the demands for marketing, public relations, corporate training, motivational speaking and event coordination increased, I knew it was time to re-brand. I wanted a stronger image, however, I still wanted it to reflect my personality, and allow the theme of a creative but corporate culture to emerge.

I think we were successful! I am please to introduce you to our new logo. Our new slogan is, "Think Beyond & Create Your Signature" The look says it all!

Our new website is in the process of being launched:

Once you have established your logo and slogan it's time to get it out there!
First start with the social networks, THEY ARE FREE :) Let's not forget blogs, as well as YouTube!

You can also begin speaking with various groups sharing the services and vision of the company.
Please note that your company is like a baby, you have to nurture it until it is strong enough to run on its own.
People are attracted to brands that are associated with "green" concepts, environmentally friendly, community minded, innovative and technologically savvy.

Other ways you can build your brand is to develop products and paraphernalia to distribute at various trade shows and events.
Investing in a great website is also key!

Think about the brands you love, and now you can add one more to your list...SageEden Media Group!
We are thankful to all of our supporters and those who follow our blog!

The journey has just begun!

Wednesday 16 November 2011

An Event Location that is out of this World!

The other day on our Facebook page we were asked to give a list of places that we would suggest for events to be held at. In the Bahamas there are so many different locations to choose from- with varying themes and capacities. I would like to put forward to you an event location that we found to be unlike any other, the place we are holding our event at tomorrow- Compass Point Restaurant.

Located in the plush Compass Point Beach Resort, this restaurant is renowned for its innovative cuisine and unique atmosphere. It is out of this world (really it is- its situated on the other side of the island to most of us)- but the drive to this location is definitely worth it. The sunsets at this restaurant are spectacular, the rainbows, the starlit sky above at night. You won't feel like you are in New Providence anymore. This restaurant is a vibrant colored, beautiful and secluded place. The decor of Compass Point Restaurant features rich fabrics and bold use of color. 

As you walk in you feel like you are at home- the professional staff and their warm, friendly greetings can be something to ease you and your guests. This location has the down home feel of many B&B's that are throughout our islands, but with its own brand of elegance that can be found nowhere else in the world. For potential brides- you can do so much here & the manager Viktor will ensure that his staff takes care of all of your worries.

If you are like me- tired of looking at locations where they serve every other thing but native food then this restaurant will give you what you want. Bahamian Cuisine is available in abundance here. My favorite from their menu is their Fish & Chips. A beautifully crusted fillet of Snapper (one fish that I normally avoid like a plague) with thinly sliced freshly made potato chips on a bed of greens that was so tender, flavor filled and delicious that I am ready to find a way out there for a taste. Outside of their regular menu they have a menu specially created for events. With a variety of potential event menu ideas that will suit your tastes and desires- it is amazing what all you CAN have here.

If you are worried about your guests being fully entertained while they wait- don't be. There are five 50 inch televisions, an Outdoor Oceanfront bar as well as Indoor dining room, bar and lounge. With Compass Point the possibilities are endless for your event. Be it a daytime event or something at night your event will be fabulous. At the end of your successful event you can relax because this event location has that effect.

For more information about this positively brimming with potential event location contact us at SageEden or come join us at our event for a better idea of what it is like be there tomorrow- Thursday, November 17th, 2011.

Until the next time stay inspired, stay planning, stay positive!

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Saying "Thank You" to your clients

As mentioned in yesterday's blog post, SageEden has an exciting networking event coming up. The event is to give a networking forum to those wanting to promote businesses, raise money for charity, and give a great big THANK YOU to those who have made SageEden the success that it is today. Having an event is a great way to show your customers that you care about them and appreciate their support. But, if you choose not to go in this direction, here are a few other ideas:

1. Make a donation to charity in their name and do something good for the world and your business.

2. Print personalized postcards to have mailed to them. Sites like Flickr can help you out if you're lacking in design skills.

3. Create personalized t-shirts that they can wear to promote your business. It will be a unique gift they'll never forget.

4. Custom calendars are thoughtful gifts that will tell your clients "thank you" for an entire year!

5. Subscription to a publication that is relevant to your industry.

Our thank you gesture is Constellations, which will be held on Thursday night at Compass Point, and it will give us the opportunity to give our clients and potential clients food, drinks, entertainment, and the opportunity to make charitable donations. We will also get to express our gratitude to them personally.

There are many more creative ways to show your appreciation to your customers. Take the time out to think of your clientele and what would suit them. If you generally cater to a younger crowd then go with something trendy and tech savvy. Otherwise, do something on the safer side that will be appropriate for everyone.

'Til next time!

Monday 14 November 2011

Constellations...A Networking & Rebranding Event

We at the SageEden team are sooooo excited about our relaunch event this Thursday!

Since its incpetion, SageEden Media Group has been on a path of evolution and revolution adding and revamping services and products.

At Constellations, we will be unveiling our new logo which embodies our corporate yet creative culture. Additionally, we will be hosting a silent auction which will raise funds for donation to children living with HIV.
Our amazing silent auction partners have made this possible.

We would also like to showcase the internationally renowned Compass Point Resort who is the major corporate sponsor for this event. Not only are they providing a beautiful venue, but food and drinks as well.

Our special entertainment includes: Lenelle Michelle Mime, Kim Welcome and Giavanna Knowles with Daniel's Den musicians.

Our event will also serve as a reminder to clients and potential clients of our services which include Advertisement Production, Development of Business Presentations, Event Media Presentations, Marketing, Public Relations, Corporate Training, Event Coordination, Image/Product Branding, Media and Image Consulting, Motivational Speaking and more.

Overall I wish to say thank you to all of our supporters who have helped SageEden become the success it has become. Without you it would not have been possible, so let us say "Thank you!" See you on Thursday!


Thursday 10 November 2011

Purpose Packed- Anointed for Kingdom Business

I originally had planned to write about event locations in the Bahamas- but today I feel like writing about an event that I think will do so much more for this country and world at large. Many times when we hear people talking about the activities and events that young persons are involved in (or able to become involved in) and it is negative. It doesn't have to always be this way. Love, Life, Help and Hope International Ministries (LLHHICM) is embracing on a major community initiative to change this. 

LLHHICM on Saturday 12th November, 2011 we will be hosting “Purpose Packed” a self development Youth Conference and Job Expo. Under the timely theme of "Anointed for Kingdom Business" they want to take young persons to a newer place of thought. This event will be held on the grounds of New Redeemed Tabernacle (COGIC), Refuge Court of Cowpen Road, Nassau Bahamas.

This initiative targets young people in the community between the ages of 15 - 35 years old. The Purpose-Packed Youth Conference is designed to demonstrate to young people that true purpose and potential can be unlocked regardless of life’s challenges. In a time where persons are being told that dreams cannot be achieved because of their age, socio-economic background, gender, race or other background this conference is key. It is time that youth know that they can have all they want- they just need to be diligent & strive for it. 

With Purpose Packed speakers such as: Keshelle Kerr, Minister Vanright Whylly, Chavara Roker, Mr. Mickel Lightbourne, Sharell Carroll and others the youth are getting advice from persons who are positive role models. This Conference is not just filled with speakers- it also includes a Job Expo for the youth so that they get an idea of what areas are out there for them. They want to help the young persons of the communities think outside of the box.

If you have youth in your home or neighbourhood who seem not to have a purpose for their life this is a great event to send them to. Purpose Pack 2011 promises to be an awesome time of spiritual enlightenment, development and fellowship and promises to be an amazing event to attend. For further information contact Chavara Roker (Conference Coordinator) @ 

Until next time- stay planning, stay encouraged, stay blessed.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

The power of a company greeting card (and how to do one right!)

It is almost hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner again. This year, SageEden has added yet another service to its growing list -- corporate greeting cards. Sending greeting cards to clients and customers at year's end is a great way to thank them for their patronage throughout the year. It shows your appreciation for their business, and even if they are not regular customers, it reminds them that they should be.

With that being said, here are some tips on creating memorable cards for your clients.

1. Don't be cheap. Send only high-quality cards. The card you send will be a reflection of your company. Don't try to cut corners to save money -- your company will look like one that cuts corners.

2. Don't alienate people. Be considerate of the fact that everyone has different beliefs. Don't use this as a time to impose yours on anyone. Use cards that read "Season's Greetings" or "Happy Holidays" so that whether they celebrate Christmas, Kwanzaa or Hanukkah, your card will be appreciated.

3. Be appropriate. Even though you might find a cheeky card funny, not everyone else will. Some people might even be offended by it. Stay on the safe side when choosing a design.

4. It's not about you. Don't use your greeting card as a mini-billboard for your business. Give them greetings and thank them for their business. They'll know who the card is from in the signature.

5. Personalize it! Hand write a personalized message inside the card for each recipient. It may be time-consuming, but it will be appreciated and remembered by each person.

If you are going to send greeting cards, do it right with the help of SageEden. We have the tools and expertise to make sure that you impress clients and keep their business. Thanks again for reading!