
Showing posts with label Motivational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivational. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

The Milliionaire Mind Conference - Atlanta, GA 2012

It's amazing what travel can do. There are so many benefits to visiting diffferent cities, countries, as it allows you to meet new and amazing people, others like you, and gain a new perspective!

I landed in Nassau yesterday afternoon after experiencing a transformational experience at MMI Atlanta 2012. Not only did I gain principles for developing a wealthy mindset, but also a new passion to improve my relationships, my communcation skills as well as my gifting to teach others to do the same.

There were persons from across the US who came with a positive energy, and beginning the year with this conference has defnitely set me up for success in business and in my personal life.
Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing about the various things I've learned that I will be applying to SageEden's business model, as well as for you to gain insight on how you can go to the next level.

At this moment, I am embracing everything that is around me. I am thankful and look forward to am amazing journey.
I would enncourage you to invest in getting international training and exposure, it will keep you out of the box!!
You are a gift to the world. We each have skills whether in business or otherwise that we have a responsibility to share.
It's the 24th day in a brand new year...don't allow time to be wasted. Be decisive, be intentional with going after your goals and remember to bring others allong the journey.
Fear--- The anticipation of pain-- Do not allow it to paralyze you from moving forward. Take one step at a time and you will surely get there!!

Go for gold!!

Monday, 9 January 2012

A New Year, A New Day, A New Attitude

Welcome to the year 2012. A year to begin a fresh, starting each day being grateful.
I know many of us have set goals that we are pushing to achieve but in order for those to come to pass, there are a few things that we must consider.

It's a great thing to be still and focus on one thing at a time. If you haven't done so already, try to reflect on last year and the transition you have made since then. Take some me time to analyze what you did correctly and what areas of your life you could make some improvements in.

Ensure that your goals are SMART

It's also a great idea to prioritize according to what is most important, and what is absolutely necessary!
Often we become overwhelmed when we try to do too many projects at once.
There is power in saying No, I am not able at this time.
Trust me, there is a freedom that also comes with this because sometimes you may feel like you HAVE to be involved with something, when really you don't. It's difficult to say no especially if you are a multi-tasker. However, let's face it- if you want to be most efficient, then doing less things at a time will give you the opportunity to put more into each project.

Late last year when I set my 2012 goals, I divided everything into categories, and I would like to share those with you also:


Health and Fitness:
Fill in each one as it applies to you to stay better streamlined this year.

Having a positive attitude makes a world of difference as well when trying to achieve your goals.
Always try to see the glass as half full rather than half empty.
We don't know what this year holds, but we can do our part to ensure that we plan mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

My two mantras for the year are, Believe, Faith, Action and Simplify, Simplify, Simplify!
My objectives include being grateful no matter what, working smart and not hard, while being as efficient as possible! Loving people, and making a positive impact to make our world a better place.
Off course SageEden Media Group is on track to be bigger and better than the years before, and we would love for you to join us on this journey!

Until next time,

Monday, 12 December 2011

Christmas is the Time for Sharing!

Well it's that time of year when everyone looks forward to wrapping up the old and bringing in the new!
As we go throughout the rest of December, are we reflecting on the lessons we have learned over the past 11 months?
Have we grown or are we going through the motions, only to repeat the same thing again, year after year?

It truly is a time where we can stop and think, spend alone time looking at the goals we wrote out in January and conduct a thorough self assesment.

Yes, we love decorating our home, offices and trimming the trees, along with getting our fill of all the scrumptious meals; while we are celebrating, let's also remember the real reason for the season-- Christ who came as a baby, with a mission to save us all.

I note that His ability to focus in on purpose, produced a passion to make a difference in the lives of all He came in contact with.

How are we making a difference, are our businesses or professional lives reflecting that of kindness, compassion and goodwill? Or have we become selfish, over consumers, and persons who are only interested in personal gain?

I would love to think that we will choose to think of others who are not as fortunate as we are, and give love to them!
I would encourage all entrepreneurs to also adopt a cause that you would feel happy about donating to.

The New Year will bring its own gifts, challenges and more....but let's enjoy today, and make it special for someone else as well!

I hope that you and your family have a safe, prosperous holiday season, and an even happier New Year!!

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Persevere, Keep Going, Stay Motivated!

Have you ever had goals that you set that you looked back on to find that you never completed them? Maybe it’s a novel you were working on (like me), or learning a new dance step- whatever it is we have all been there. Starting out with the best intentions but falling short because of unmotivation. Even the best of us can feel unmotivated at times. Sometimes you feel so unmotivated that making small decisions is hard. But you can get out of the slump by going through some simple steps, small baby steps in fact.

At times it can look to be impossible at times around you. Just getting out of bed is a struggle. This feeling can make you feel so depressed and hurt inside. You’re not alone. Most successful persons have been there before. At times the road to be successful involves you having to fall on your face and getting back up.

For instance to exercise there are days I am so motivated that I cannot stop- other days it is like pulling teeth. It is hard to get started exercising when your body and soul feel depressed. But you can motivate yourself with the steps listed below:

  1. Make a Goal. Having a goal ensures that you have a path that you can always look to if you veer off.
  2. Find inspiration. If you are inspired by music- use that, nature – use that.
  3. Get excited. Make the task/goal you have exciting- find excitement in it so it doesn’t feel like a burden.
  4. Build anticipation. This is a part of excitement but different. For instance when you are baking a cake you are excited ablout the recipe- but you anticipate the results. Make your end results the best part of your goal.
  5. Post your goal. Write out your goal somewhere that you can visually see it.
  6. Commit publicly. When you tell others your goal it makes you accountable.
  7. Think about it daily. The more you think of your goal the more you think of ways to accomplish your goal.
  8. Get support. Your friends and family can help you to keep pushing when things seem hard.
  9. Realize that there’s an ebb and flow. You won’t always be excited about your goals. Some days you will wake up not wanting to do anything- but like anything worth having you have to ride out the highs so that the lows won’t be as low.
  10. Stick with it. Keep trying. Never give up- you will see the produce of your handiwork.
  11. Start small. Really small. Small structured goals will help you get to the end of your road.
  12. Build on small successes. Each time you accomplish something use that as a springboard to further successes.
  13. Read about it daily. Research ways to achieve your goals.
  14. Call for help when your motivation ebbs. Talking to others who have accomplished their goals will help you to get tasks done.
  15. Think about the benefits, not the difficulties. When you think of your difficulties you tend to get tired before you even start. Think of the benefits of achieving your goal.
  16. Squash negative thoughts; replace them with positive ones. Be POSITIVE! I cannot stress this enough. It takes more out of your body to be negative than to smile and remain positive about your outcomes.

Until the next time I hope that this has inspired & motivated you to keep trying. Be persistent & wait to see the results of your toil & labors. Never, never, NEVER give up!

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Give Thanks

I have always loved fall. As a child it was the time that most people seemed happiest, and there was the feeling in the air that Christmas was almost here. A favorite holiday for those of us here at SageEden is Thanksgiving- because it is a time that people sit and give thanks for the blessings present in their lives.

Today is a day set aside for the act of thanksgiving,where families and friends gather around a meal and say to each other what they are thankful for- something that should be done every day. The pilgrims who came to the ‘new world’ took this day to be their way of thanking God for life and blessing them with an abundance of blessings. They realized that God grants new mercies to us daily, as such they wanted to spend one day thanking God & each other for the blessings.

When was the last time you said thanks? Speaking words of affirmation is one of the five love languages we have present. A simple thank you goes so far to making someone feel appreciated. Don’t think of it as ego-stroking as persons perform better when they know that the work they do makes a difference. And saying what you are thankful for daily helps you to look at your blessings in a better light. Thankfulness brings into your heart a spirit of cheerfulness. Which is something we all need daily.

As you go throughout this holiday season, don’t get bogged down by the commercialism, truly enjoy this season, give thanks daily for each blessing, each trial, each storm. In all of these God is present.  (Nahum 1:3) As you look at the light in each aspect of your life you see the path you must take better.

What is it that you are thankful for today? Are you thankful for life? Are you thankful for family? Are you thankful for the gifts/talents he has bestowed on you? We wanted to share with you some of the things persons are thankful for in our office as an encouragement to you.
Sharell: I am thankful for life and its many blessings...being a wife to the best husband in the world, mother and mentor to many, for the ability to worship freely, to be everything that I was created to be. I am also grateful for the heart that forgives and lives! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
Larissa: Thankful for seeing a day that so many others didn’t get to see. I am thankful for family, friends and for the opportunity to work at a job that I enjoy. Also very thankful for the awesome meal that I will enjoy today!

Shanda : I am thankful for the gifts of life & health. I am also thankful for the great family I have and friends that have truly enriched my life.

Natasha:  I am thankful for all the blessings that God has granted me this past year. I am thankful for a loving family, having the best siblings in the world, an amazing fiancé and the friends & co-workers present in my life. I am thankful most importantly for grace. Without grace I would not be where I am.

Until the next time remember to be thankful, stay positive and look ahead.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Being Positive All Year Round

It is November, a month customary for giving thanks and giving back to others. It is this way because many persons harvest their produce in November- right before winter. This is the month when people start to look up and be kinder because they know the holidays are near. I want to share with you how you can keep this positive outlook with you throughout the year.

As women & men of great responsibility and dreams we tend to give so much of ourselves away that we forget to take ‘me’ time. My first suggestion is that you would daily take one moment at your desk, close your eyes and think of when moment when you felt free and on top of the world. Think of a moment when you are not afraid, not sad or have any negative emotions to deal with. Sit in that moment for at least a minute. Breathe in through your nose and out your mouth as you are remembering. Take deep breaths. Make sure you are relaxed as you sit or lay down. Open your eyes and smile.

I also want to suggest that when you get home- before you really interact with a spouse, children, family or friends you take a few moments in an area designated as ‘your’ space. Decorate it with even a photo that relaxes you or makes you smile. You can’t give to anyone if you aren’t filled up yourself. This is the place you can meditate, read, sing, or whatever it is that you like to do.
Finally I want you to every day you live find one thing to affirm your co-workers, your family and friends on. Being positive with those you interact daily with also helps you to remain positive. Even when things don’t go the way you plan.

I hope that wherever you are today you will smile, you will breathe deep and be thankful! Until the next time stay positive, stay growing, stay blessed.

Monday, 31 October 2011

Being You Naturally!!

Hello World!

It's amazing that in the corporate and fashion world there are myriads of misconceptions.
Each of us was created to fulfill a specific assignment on the earth, and we are no mistake. Everything about each one of us is the way it is for a purpose. (Sigh) You can breathe a sigh of relief because you don't have to pretend to be someone you are not!! Being yourself really takes the pressure off, and allows you to flow naturally in your giftings and abilities.

While growing up, we all had someone we emulated, and having mentors is always a great thing. Just be careful not to forget who you are and your individual personality!

For the past two years, I went through major life transitions some of which were difficult and others, a learning experience. During this time I decided that I wanted to embrace the change of growing my hair out naturally. While I have nothing against "relaxed" hair, I was so thankful that I took the journey to becoming a naturalista!!
It's evident that in the corporate world, straight hair has greater acceptance, however, there are ways to still portray a professional image with your coily curls! :)

The journey helped me deal with underlying issues that most "women of color" have where curls are frowned upon. I just wanted to let you know that having natural hair does not stop you from being a success in the corporate world. You may have to put in a little more effort to maintain a professional look, but transition styling is perfect during this phase!

My personal natural hair video will be available for your viewing pleasure shortly. Life is filled with transitions so be encouraged! Growth comes in stages whether we are referring to hair, or the growth of your dream, business or ideas...To see your vision come to pass, it will require patience, time, the proper nurture and care.
You also need a supportive accountability group to assist you during times when you want to give up.

Get ready to embrace you all you...naturally....
Love who you are, and share that love with others....

At SageEden Media Group, we can coach you into a new level of confidence and greatness. It begins with you. The decision is yours!! I'm excited for you! All the best!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Hope, Imagine, Succeed!

Hope is the dream of a man awake.
– French Proverb
Hope, imagination, purpose are all words synonymous with successful persons. Without a purpose you will never know when you have achieved success. Success is not an elusive item that only the elite can aspire to- it is something for everyone who dares to imagine.
If you have never imagined before- this might be hard but I want you to take a clear sheet of paper, a pen, and go someplace where you can truly be alone. Close your eyes and really think, imagine, dream of things you would like to do if you had an opportunity to.
What is it that you see as you close your eyes? For me I see publishing novels that will effect a change in the world around me. What is yours? Write it down. Writing down your dreams & goals helps you to remember them and have a point of reference. This becomes your preview of what you will achieve in your lifetime.
Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attraction.
– Albert Einstein
After you have written down your aspirations I want you to find someone who is closer to where you want to be and ask them to be your mentor & accountability partner. You don’t have to have just one but no more than four I believe is appropriate. Many of the great men & women of today had mentors who believed in their dreams even when they didn't. Your mentors will be a source of strength whenever you are feeling low or defeated. Choose persons who will have your back regardless of what you are going through or what happens.
Next, I want you to look at your influential circle and as you are looking at it make two lists. In the first list place the persons who are building you up and will motivate you upward; on the second list you would place your naysayers- persons who most likely have dreams themselves that they are afraid to speak into being, these persons would be the ones you will mentor as you grow. As you succeed you want to build up the persons around you. Being the change you want to see is good, but sometimes you have to create the change in others.
A strong imagination begetteth opportunity.
– Michel de Montaigne
Create the opportunities you need for your goals as you are working at them. You would be surprised how when you have a purpose you are more focused and find opportunities in places you would never expect. Open your mind to different paths that you may have to create to get to success.
Finally, I want you to remain awake to your goals, try not to fall asleep on the job of completion. Eat, drink, & breathe your dream. Sometimes we get busy ‘dreaming’ of our goals when we should be working at them. Look at every task in your day as something that gets you one step closer to your hopes.
What is it that you have a hope in? Is it that someday your small company will be a conglomerate; or maybe it’s that you would bring out creatively the voice that is within you? Don’t let the grave reap the rewards of your potential- it is rich enough as it is. Whatever it is that you hope in you have to dare to strive to achieve it.
Never forget that your imagination will spur you to higher heights- you just need to persevere & work at it. Now that you are imagining for more, believe in it and you will have it. As you have achieved your goals, set new goals & always continue to hope, imagine, succeed!
Believe that you have it, and you have it.
– Latin Proverb
For more information on goals, motivational & corporate training contact us at SageEden International Media Group for more information.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Training is Essential for Self/Professional Development

Photo from training done by SageEden
Make today a "Training Day"!

The old adage is are never too old to learn something new.
The journey to self discovery doesn't happen overnight. As a matter of fact, it's a process that comes with many challenges along the way. However, it's up to you to turn those obstacles into opportunities!

Each year, I try to find ways to learn new things, to gain and give inspiration, and to also network with persons in my industry locally and abroad. Let's be real...Personal development and Training may be expensive but there are always ways to cut cost, expecially if you plan ahead.

Companies should invest in additional customer service and skills training for a number of reasons. Firstly, to remain on the cutting edge with technology, and innovation, you have to keep motivating your team and provide opportunities for diverse learning.  Training also increases your chances of learning new tips and tricks in your respective trade or industry.

Simply if you want each team member to be more successful on and off the job, training is a great idea. It gives each person less of an excuse to fail!

Additionally, investing in training keeps your organziation growing. You don't want to fall behind.

Markets are changing quickly and it's important to remember that training increases employee morale, boosts individual self- esteem, increases productivity and yes, saves time and money in the long run!

Organizations and businesses are only as good as the people in them!

Take advantage of local conferences. We can all learn from anyone. Sometimes we discredit the value of a seminar based on who is hosting it. Well...even Oprah and John Maxwell started small. However, each time you take the risk and go for your dream, you are building confidence in your ability to do something different, and building that same confidence in others to believe in your dream!

Each time I have personally invested in training I have not regretted it! Meeting new people is always amazing! Some of my life long friendships were developed through corporate training seminars or and educational meeting of some sort.
I have also met many of my clients through events where I have personally served as a trainer, or was gaining insight myself.

It's a beautiful thing to see yourself or your business blossom from a seed to a beautiful orchard!
If you need more ideas on training or would like for us to offer a training session for your organization, connect with us and we would be happy to connect with you!

Monday, 17 October 2011

Your Perspective Determines How Far You Grow!

Look closely...What do you see?

Is it a rabbit or a duck? This picture portrays an optical illusion which causes us to look a little closer than normal.

Let's face it, most people have become comfortable with accepting their current state of being. Some even prefer to see the glass as half empty rather than half full to avoid false hope or being disappointed. Many of us are risk averse and never step out in life to try something new or different.

Your perspective in life will ultimately determine your destination. If you are dreaming of opening up a company, but can only see the obstacles in your way, then shift your focus to one where you recognize that if others have done it, then you can too!

The world of media and marketing have paved the road for many businesses that have simply started out at home with one laptop computer. With the proper branding and design, your company can portray the global image that you are working toward for the future, today!

For example, facebook, and many other social media sites, as well as numerous businesses that we respectand support, demonstrate that there is power in numbers. Ensure that your business idea extends beyond your circle of family and friends. It must be something that the masses, (global market) needs or wants.

What is your perspective on starting small and growing? Do you resent humble beginnings? I have realized that building a solid foundation is essential. Anything success that is attained overnight, often comes with future setbacks or simply won't last very long. Furthermore, we appreciate the success even more after the long battle through trials, failures, setbacks, and the like.

As I sit and ponder on how I can ensure that my thoughts remain global, I remind myself of the goal- to make a positive impact on the world, by providing information and innovative ideas to those I meet daily.
Expanding our thinking is a process, but our minds have to be opened to begin.

When we look at the business moguls of the world today, we sometimes forget that they too started out small, but grew in leaps and bounds by staying focused, choosing to overcome obstacles, building endurance by never giving up, and by remaining confident that their ideas were worth millions until someone else believed it!

Truly the perspective you choose today, will build or break your mindset. Think big, then plan for bigger, until your business is much larger than you.

While you are climbing the ladder, it is also important to help others each step of the way.
Greatness and Success only become lonely when you get there by yourself.

On the verge of giving up....

Everyone on the road to success is faced with unique challenges. Let's just face it...Challenges are a  part of the process.  So let me make it easy for you. You can decide- do I really want to be successful or do I just like how "success looks"?

Someone recently asked me, "What do you do when you work so hard, but don't see the benefits you envisioned"? I just wanted to share 5 tips regarding the same, because I know we all feel this way from time to time.

1. Stay focused on the vision.
You are the only person who can see what your vision looks like. To you, it is tangible and you can almost taste it, (pun on the words).
However, there will be distractions to either slow you down or discourage you from even trying to reach your goal.
Make the decision to stay focused and do something daily to help you to get where you are dreaming.

2. Make sure you are on the right path.
Sometimes we work hard and not smart. In essence, we have not fully engaged in our true calling, or we are doing too many things simultaneously, and not completing any of them. Trust me, I was the queen of being busy, working on a minimum of six projects at a time, and feeling burnt out before seeing the result of any one of them. One day, I had to sit and look at my options, then narrow down what I would give my time and energy to. Believe me when I say the choice was not easy, but I would rather be excellent at one thing, do well in a few others, and say NO to time wasters.
Be especially careful of those projects that just give you a "title" or recognition but no actual long term benefits or fulfillment.

3. Remain connected.
The saying that "birds of a feather flock together" is more true than not. Your circle of friends, or associates will give you a great indication of what your future looks like. For some of us, that's great news. For others...well let's just say that we have some thinking to do :)
No matter what challenge comes your way, chances are, someone has gone through it, and overcame it successfully. It is important for us to continuously enlarge our professional circle, take an analysis of our current circle, and yes, decide what compartments each individual in your life should be placed in. When faced with a challenge, it's better to talk about it, than to withdraw. No one will know you need help, if you never open your mouth! Trust me I had to learn this the hard way...let's just say now, I'm a talker! :)

4. Get Creative.
Take a trip, dance, meditate by the beach, meet someone new, or maybe read a new kind of book. Simply find a way to bring out your creative juices. Remaining stagnant or waiting for millions to drop out of the sky is not the answer. Throwing a pity party is also not a great idea, if you plan to be successful. One idea for you to get your mind going, is to start writing about some of your goals, dreams and aspirations. Seeing them on paper will actually bring life to them. Your faith combined with works will do the rest! Keep dreaming.

5. Never Give Up.
I remember being at a place where I wanted to give up on my business, among other things....then I thankfully gathered my senses (they were all over the place) lol...What was I thinking? Forfeit my legacy? The generational wealth that's tied up in the business that God has blessed me with? Throw away all the plans and goals I had written down? I think not!!
The moment I decided to literally stick it out, was when miracles started knocking at my door...profitable projects and clients that I never imagined started making requests! It's all in the decision to stick with it. I promise you that once you keep at it, work strategically and stay positive, you will attract what is yours, and that is SUCCESS!

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Ways I Embrace My Audience

The best way to be most effective when training or presenting, is to be fully engaged with your audience.
How do you do that one may ask...

Whenever we are called upon to train or present, we ensure that we do the necessary research. Here are some tips to get you prepared for your next speaking gig!

1. Research your topic extensively.
Try to find out as much information you can before you begin writing your presentation. Ensure that you make it highly media oriented, and visual. People are drawn to images more than words. It also helps if you bring your personality to the presentation as well!

2. Know your audience.
This will help you win them over. It's important to share anecdotes and some personal experiences when you are speaking. It adds flavor to your mix!

3. Know your presentation by heart.
In the event that something may happen to your written notes, or even if the powerpoint presentation you prepared has "technical difficulties" you can still win your audience over by speaking from the heart.
Passion for something always outweighs abilitiy to do something. Once you have practiced your presentation, you should be able to share it with others in a way that will be conveyed as genuine, relevant, and informative.

4. Connect with your audience through eye contact.
It's true that the eyes are the windows to the soul. With this in mind, it's vital to look your audience in the eyes while you are presenting. If you feel slightly intimidated, or nervous, find a few friendly faces in the room, and focus on them. However, be sure that you feel connected to them, and they feel connected to you. Another great way to establish a connection during a speech or presentation, is to ask rhetorical questions, request volunteers, or ask situational questions that would get the audience thinking, and also responding.
Your ability to connect with your audience will make the difference in your presentation. This will also decide whether you get called again in the future to speak :)

5. Ask questions and allow for discussion!
Many of us have heard presentations where we thought that the information was useful and the speaker did a great job. One thing was missing....there was no room during or after the presentation for discussion or questions.
One of the best ways to test your effectiveness as a presenter is to initiate a discussion  afterward. Ask someone to give a synopsis on what they have learned. Don't be afraid to answer questions from your audience. This allows you to be viewed as more credible. Remember that once you have prepared yourself, and researched your topic, you are ready to go!
Don't try to be someone else when you are presenting. Build your brand by bringing your unique personality and charisma and go ahead and WOW your audience.
If you need further media coaching, or presentation training tips, SageEden Media Group would be happy to assist. Email us at

All the best!

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Flaunting Your Corporate Heels and Your Cooking Spoon!

It's amazing that the world often sells us that working corporate women may be powerful behind her desk, but in front of the stove, she leaves much to be desired. 
I must admit, I too had fears about having to give up my ambitions or tune them down just a bit to be a great wife, but to my wonderful surprise, the balance is quite achievable.  (Three months and counting...:)

I decided to blog about this because I beleive many women today are missing out on the joys of being "domestic," Cooking the delicious dinners, preparing scrumptious desserts and mixing up the perfect smoothies to start the day off.
Managing a business involves much time and effort, so working smart is the key.
Imagine leaving work to enter an unhappy home where those needs have not been taken care of. (Not a great idea) Here are some ideas to help us business/corporate/entrepreneurial women stay in tune with our feminitiy and maintain great relationships with those we love.

Feel free to share some of your thoughts as well.

1. Decide what is most important.
I've found that prioritizing has been most helpful to me. It's always better to keep this thought in mind: Love people and use money...not the other way around. Remember that doing things to show your loved ones you care will far outweigh the success rate of "projects" you work on in the corporate environment.

2. Plan ahead for your meals and your day.
If you plan out your meals and tasks involving the home on a weekly basis, you will be less stressed out and feel like you have done well to receive happy faces both in the corporate world and at home :)
Keeping a journal or calendar helps too!

3. Dispel the myths.
Try to erase those thoughts of feeling "less than" if you are a homemaker, or even have dreams of being one. (I know there are many women out there who secretly wish that they can be homemakers :) It's ok ladies! It's a great job to have, and you even get more appreciation, especially if you have kids! ) The media has done a great job in the past portraying domestic women as weaker or less educated-- You can be amazing at both!

4. Practice Truly Makes Perfect.
It is a fact that the more you do something, the better you get at it. Start small. Try one new recipie a week and perfect it.
A friend once shared this website with me, and I have enjoyed the recipies listed indeed! Give yourself a new challenge, and I assure you that you won't be disappointed.

5. Embrace All of Your Roles, and ENJOY them!
We "super"women are heroes to many. We are leaders in myriads of industries, decision makers, mothers, doctors, teachers, listeners, friends. I've found that embracing and accepting the many roles that come with the teriritory of being a woman is a fabulous thing! Try to fulfill each role to the fullest when it is needed most. I know that we love multi-tasking, but sometimes, it's better just to be fully present (mind, body and soul) at one place, at one time.
Relax, Think, Meditate, Work Smart, Laugh, Share, Confide, Love, and Live. Remember that there is a time and season for everything under the sun.
Make sure you are on point in those corporate heels, and making your mark with your cooking spoon in hand!

On your mark, get set, GO!!!