Tuesday 31 July 2012

LIFE....Seize It!

Life...Seize It and Maximize Your Potential!

Happy Tuesday! Well I'll be traveling back to The Bahamas today, and as I sit and ponder I think about how few of us live at our greatest potential on a daily basis... Imagine if a caterpillar never transformed into a butterfly?
What robbery it would be to the caterpillar and to the world. While the caterpillar goes through a natural process to get to it's fullest potential, we have to challenge ourselves to do the same.

As I enjoy the sights and lights of a new environment each time I travel, I can't help but wonder what life would be like without ideas- All the theme parks, malls, attractions, transportation, entertainment, food... This is where wealth creation begins.
When we allow ourselves to be caught in a web of boredom doing the exact same thing year in and year out, how will we ever grow?

What bright ideas have you come up with lately? Even if you may not think your idea is great, there is no harm in trying it out.
Think back to primary school where we learned how to create brainstorming webs, and use paint, and other art tools to create, imagine and train our minds to build from ground zero.

We created without inhibition, free from fear of the outcome and in the end, we were proud of our creations even if it was just our painted handprints. Simply put, that in itself is an original as no one else has quite the hand print that you or I do.

During my coaching or training sessions, before we begin dealing with the subject matter, I start with a brainstorming session- a short period where I remind the team that they are free to be creative, think in color, and be who they truly are without fear of being judged.
Believe it or not, just starting off a session letting them know that their imperfections are allowed let's us all open up and dig deep into issues that may be resulting in things like tardiness, low productivity, theft, lack of teamwork, or simple low morale on the job.

Potential is a word that has various connotations- for the most part it is viewed Asa better position to be in than someone or something that has no potential at all.
The way I view it, potential is always a great starting point but who wants to live in potential all of ones life?

Potential living for the outgoing, ambitious individual just won't do. Which category do you fall into? Are you taking your potential to the next level? Are any of your ideas being acted upon? Are you investing financially in your dreams? Are you praying toward God's perfect will for your life?
My hope for us is that our potential can evolve into the greatness that is tied to our destiny.
Having life means that there is the potential to accomplish the great. Don't get discouraged. Rather allow the dark moments to usher you through to the light that is yours!

Turn potential energy into kinetic energy.
Bloom where you are planted and watch your seeds grow into an orchard!

For one on one or organizational coaching, contact me at info@sageedenmedia.com

Until next time, keep growing!
Yours in Success!

Monday 30 July 2012

Find Your Voice!!

How Do You Find Your Voice in the Midst of the Clutter?

Quiet time:
I was awakened with an urgency to write this article around 4am. Sounds familiar? For many of us who are “morning birds,” our creative juices flow best in the wee hours of the morning when everything is still, and our minds are fresh. It is in the quiet time where we connect with The Source, and God literally speaks to our hearts providing the direction we need to face the world another day.

In the quiet time you have less distractions, less people needing your attention, and more time to REALLY think. The thinking process is one that involves much more than we often assume. Our brains are wired in such unique ways that it is necessary to write ideas down, and channel our energies into our life’s work while it is flowing.

There is nothing more frustrating than trying to operate when there is no grace to do so. For me, when I have to force myself to do something I have to carefully analyze whether or not this is something that I have been assigned to do. Don't get me wrong; there is a difference between developing the discipline to form necessary habits, and knowing when something is JUST NOT YOU. My quiet time helps me to differentiate between the two.

You may have a favorite beach, park, or a space in your home/room where you feel serenity, and security. Your quiet time will rejuvenate you and you will be amazed to see what results. Try to set aside some quiet time daily- you deserve to!

Practice Makes Perfect:

When finding your voice, it takes practice to fully develop it. Therefore, if you want to be a world renowned trainer, dancer, chef, artist, writer, business owner, it will require some action! Yes, I apologize if you thought that the road to greatness comes easily and with no level of sacrifice. Understand from the inception that once you have DECIDED to find your voice, there will be a process. Start practicing what you see yourself becoming in the future. Begin offering your gifts and services pro bono to demonstrate your capabilities. For example, if you never practice standing in front of the audience you wish to motivate or inspire in the future, how will you perfect your gift? It may very well be there, but it will remain dormant and ineffective. The more we practice something, the better we get at it!

Process of Elimination:
As we do things, we will know through feedback, and being honest with ourselves which activities are helping us to find or lose our voice. Eliminate those things that are simply time consumers because while you may be able to do many things, there are few things that we each can do well- and I mean REALLY WELL. The process of elimination will assist.

Don’t be afraid to consult with that core support group, or getting feedback from clients. This is like conducting a personal focus group. Did you know that marketing agencies get paid large sums of money to facilitate focus groups? Companies are constantly finding out what their customers like or dislike about them/their product and how they can improve on it.


Make your plan. Take action. That is all. We will only know when we try if we are on the right path to finding our voice.

Improving the Service to your Niche Market:
Each year, our goal should be to improve upon what we did the year before. This can be done in small steps, but with consistent effort, anything is possible. Decide that each year, your voice will improve. Your signature will get stronger. Your ability to impact and influence will soar just a bit higher. Let your choice customers know that you are seeking to improve and let them know how much you value them choosing you over another company. Making improvement requires change, so continue to be open and allow yourself room to make mistakes, because this is how we grow!

What is the Benefit of Finding Your Voice?

From a global perspective, we can safely say that there is no, and there will never be a voice like Whitney Houston's, no dancer/vocalist like Michael Jackson, no Princess with the human touch like Dianna, and no innovator quite like Steve Jobbs. These are just a few people who come to mind who served their gift to the world. While we may never know their full level sacrifice in detail, we do know that they worked diligently, yet flowed naturally to carve out their signature.

Once you are comfortable in your gifting and in what you bring to the table, there is no need to copy others or pretend to be something that you are not. Get busy today developing your uniqueness.

Once you have found your voice, your strategy on how you say and do things will emerge. This may not happen overnight, but eventually you will find that people will associate you based on your ability to strategize and create the new. The people who are supposed to be drawn to you, will naturally find something about your or your business appealing based on their specific need. Remember that if you do not find your voice, and create your signature, those needing your gift may never receive it- it’s that serious.

Wealth Streams:
Like a river flowing continually with ease and beauty, so will you, once you are operating at the realm in which you were born to. The wonderful thing about this is, we have all be created for a unique purpose, so there is really no need to compete- only collaborate! Your ability to tap into your signature voice, is the direct correlation to your wealth creation, your wealth flow and the diversity/ multiplicity of your income streams.

Impact and Influence:
Setting  a global standard starts in the mind. Indeed our ability to imagine, and dare to “Live in the Imagination” is paramount for your level of success. Everyone of us has a place in our minds that others do not have access to, and this is our area of imagination. Are you still dreaming today? Or have you allowed yourself to be mentally drained by current circumstances and what the future MAY appear to be?

Don’t be fooled. No one who became a success, did it having 100% of what they needed. It was the very thing they feared, or lacked that kindled the passion to never give up. The greater the level of sacrifice made to find your voice, is an indication of the impact it will make. Until the ends of time, heros like Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, Ghandi and many others will be appreciated throughout the nations for their contribution. How much influence do you really want to have? This conversation is meant to spark that fire within and stimulate that deep sensation you have to be great.

There is nothing that compares to having peace. It transcends all human understanding, which is why it can only come from above and grow from within. While we may be able to put on a façade for others, we know within ourselves if we are truly satisfied with our current level of output. For most of us, we can easily identify some areas that need serious work, serious growth, and major intervention or we will just scream! You are not alone. Allow yourself to go through the entire process. Each of our processes will be different. I cannot provide a formula that will guarantee specific results, however, one thing is sure, when you are operating in your voice, and your signature, an amazing peace will flow and forever follow.

Invest in finding your voice. No price can be placed on this.

Until next time,

Keep Growing!
Yours in Success!

Friday 27 July 2012

Pursuing Passion with Purpose

I smiled as I prepared myself to write this blog because the title coincides with a conference that I will be speaking at in a few weeks. So talk about a divine set up by GodJ

But before you continue reading, I would like for you to try and define the 3-P words above in the title of this blog on your own. It is important to understand the definition of words before attempting to believe the words.
The word pursue, in its simplest form, means to seek or obtain. I like to think of passion as something that can be done every day without hesitation. Passion separates a job from a career. It keeps you up at night when everyone else thinks you are wasting your time. Passion causes you to sacrifice shopping at your favorite shoe store just so you can save and manage your money.
Now, purpose has millions of people around the world buying countless books, DVDs and attending yearly events. Purpose is really why something exists. Some people seem to believe that purpose can be purchased and this my friend- is a myth. When God created mankind, he already knew their purpose. However, because He is God, He doesn’t have to find our purpose. Believe it or not, God gave each of us our purpose already. So where is your purpose you ask? Your purpose lives inside of you.
Whenever I talk to people about pursuing my doctorate, I always seem to get excited expressing myself. Until now, I didn’t realize how much I love talking about the advancements in medicine, how patients are cured from diseases and how lifestyle changes can have an effect on us all. The excitement we all seem to encounter when sharing topics of interest is called- passion.
Passion, my friends, is that burning desire that keeps you awake, thinking and planning all day long. Now passion can be a number of things and not just one thing.For example, I am passionate about being a pharmacist; issues surrounding women; young people; HIV and so much more. However, you must sit down with a pen and paper and figure out what you spend the most time doing and investing in. Then whatever is at the top of your list- consider that your passion.
Now, I wish I can say that this all you need to do to be successful in life but it’s not. After you identify your passion, you must strategically set goals on what you want to do next. Since God is the one who placed purpose on the inside of us, it only makes sense for us to go back and pray to Him for instructions. It is also wise to study the word of God and begin to find scriptures to affirm what you want to happen in your life.
After I identified the desire to become a medical professional, I prayed and asked God to show me where He wanted me to go and how to prepare for my profession. It's not healthy for you to just get up every day thinking that God will give you what you need all at once. This train of thought is defeating.The older I get, God starts asking me these questions. “Why should I give you the desire of your heart?” and “What are you going to do with it?”
I know these questions are challenging but when you know why you are doing something, actually doing it becomes easier and life becomes less frustrating. This, my friend, brings you to the place of peace, fulfillment and purpose. When you begin doing what you love, without quitting, complaining or having a sense of entitlement- you have found your purpose in life.
Finally, reach out and ask for help. You cannot develop everything you need in life on your own. As it relates to your passion, I would advise you to do your research, use your networking skills and find a mentor or role model to help you pursue your passion. This can be a loved one or a complete stranger, but find someone to assist you bring your passion to life.
I leave you with this quote from Dr.Myles Munroe’s book, In pursuit of Purpose. “Where purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable.” So make sure you know “why” you want to pursue your passion and then give it all you’ve got until the world says to you- “you are really, passionate about your purpose.”

Successfully Yours,
Lorneka Joseph

Thursday 26 July 2012

Making The Most of TODAY!

Making the Most of TODAY!

Wow, it's a beautiful day, and I'm so excited to be visiting another country in a few hours. Travelling helps me creative juices to flow and inspiration is heightened!!

Most of us pray for better "time management skills" however, the truth of the matter is that we are given 24 hours each day, no more, no less. It's our actions and activities that we need to manage in order to have an effective day.


Living effectively takes having a plan, and being intentional with how it is executed.

Positive Thinking= Positive Outputs

Start off the morning with a clear mindset, it's a new day. Remind yourself that there is nothing that can be done to change the past, so do yourself a big favor and LET IT GO! I'm learning that concentrating on the future gives new energy, and pondering on the mistakes of the past, drains my energy.

Variety is the Spice of Life

Get a change of environment and watch your perspective change as well. Try new foods, or take up a new course that will aid in your self development.

The Truth

In reality, we all have goals that we want to achieve, and it often feels like there is not enough time in each day to get everything done. This is an indication that we are finite beings, and we need God's grace to help us to reach our full potential daily.
Try to get the things that are high priority done first. Making task lists work well for me. Try it and see if it's something that you would want to make a daily habit.


Use your smart phone or laptop for daily reminders of things that need to get done as well. The more successfull we become personally and in business, the busier we will become. Being "busy" and not getting anything done is not where we want to be. Instead, we want to move gracefully, flowing in our purpose and in our gifting. This will help us to naturally get results.

Enjoy each moment of each day. We don't have the option of turning back the hands of time, so move forward in purpose, truth, love and fulfill your assisnment. This will make our world a better place.

Tomorrow we are so excited to feature another guest blogger, Lorneka Joseph, who will be sharing on how to Pursue your Purpose with Passion! I am excited to read her thoughts and encourage you to do the same.

Until next time,
Keep Growing,

Yours In Success,

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Keep The Momentum Going

Keep Moving!

Happy July!

The month is winding down, and it's ironic that during thes past few weeks, I've finally gained the momentum that I felt was slowing down. Let me assure you that even the most successful CEO has his or her moments, so don't be alarmed- take the slow periods as a time to refresh, regroup, restrategize and gain a new perspective on how to further pursue your dreams.

This time of year is great to analyze the status of your goals. When I ran 13 miles during Marathon Bahamas in January of this year, I decided to use that experience as a benchmark for achieving anything I put my mind to for the rest of this year. I would encourage you to seek new avenues that would foster innovative and creative thinking, as well as give you the required push to keep moving.

 Movement:That is the key. As I hear the voice of my trainer, "Keep going, don't stop Sharell," I realized that those early morning training sessions built more than physical endurance. It really was a mental strategy, and I fell for it, because even though my feet were hurting and my body felt sore during the run, I convinced myself that stopping was not an option and the finish line was my target.

So what is your goal? What do you have in place to keep you focused, and moving in the right direction despite the odds?

Take a moment to think about all the people in your circle who can influence you to be better than you are currently. Surround yourself with those who are constantly achieving their dreams and reaching for higher heights daily.

Stay away from people or things that kill momentum. Some of these include: the voice of discouragement, doubt, fear, dwelling on present lack of resources, distractions, mental roadblocks along with other things.

How then can we continue to build momentum in our business and personal lives?

1. Develop a prayer life: Seeking God's direction on how to navigate through life is crucial to doing the right things at the right time. Timing is still everything and we all desire peace when going after a goal. This actually boosts our confidence when we know that we have the creator of Heaven and Earth backing our efforts!

2. Stay active: Having a healthy mind, body and spirit are essential to success. Momentum is gained when we are feeling energetic and ready to conquer the world. If we lack rest, proper nutrition, and exercise, how will our ideas flourish? So let's get moving today, and make it lifestyle.

3. Read, Read, Read: Did I mention read?  Books fill our world with rich ideas and information. We also travel to far and distant places when we pick up a book, and chat with people we may never physically meet. Reading also stimulates our minds and motivates us to start moving, and that counts!

4. Believe: Once we have faith that we can accomplish that which we set out to do, and put our best foot forward, everything else will fall into place at the right time. Believing helps our minds to connect with out hearts and makes us trust ourselves with the unique and crazy ideas that God blesses us with. Take one step at a time, and eventually you will reach your destination of choice.

5. Join purpose driven groups: Networking is great, however, you want to become involved with a peer mentoring group where meaningful, professional relationships are built. Within these meetings, you are able to vent about some of the issues/roadblocks you are facing and gain varied perspectives on how to overcome them. We each go through different situations to pool those resources together and share share share! Don't forget that iron sharpens iron, and we all need someone sometime!

As you continue to build momentum, set small target goals. Try setting a few per week, achieve those, then make bigger monthly committments, and finally set annual goals that will challenge you to keep moving forward. Lastly, remain accountable to someone else who has your best interest at heart, and will encourage you to be consistent.

Until next time, Keep Growing!

Yours in Success,

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Hi Everyone, 

The summer heat is on in The Bahamas, and it's a wonderful time to network and connect with friends at local coffee shops and restaurants.
Summer is also a great time to refresh yourself via travel and other forms of vacation. It's important that our minds get some time off....I know this concept is difficult for entrepreneurs, as our minds are always thinking about the next project, launch event, etc., but trust me taking a mental break causes you to get more focused on doing one or a few things well, and this my friends, is key in developing a successful business model.

That's been one of my mantras - focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.
Steve Jobs



Today I wanted to remind you that it's great to be jack of all trades, but even better to be ruler in one or a few things.
Your custmomers will become loyal clients when they realize that you are dedicated to producing quality. As your business evolves, you will increase the products and services you offer, but starting out, ensure that you think through carefully what you want your business to be known for.

Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives.
Tony Robbins

Think about it, those who make a decision to do something and focus all their resources and energies into, usually do well. Others who refuse to stick to one thing long enough to see it work often fail before they start. Trying to do more than one thing can also be overwhelming at times.

Don't get me wrong, multi-tasking has its place but let's not abuse it!

Simplicity is also beautiful and life as well as business can flow more naturally. You can have the business success that you desire. The first thing you need to do, is to decide to focus on making that happen.

Give yourself the gift of focus and watch your life produce amazing things! I look forward to hearing the stories! Go and get it!!

Monday 23 July 2012

Open Your Mind, and Expect The Great!!

5  Lessons Learned from Starting A Business:
You Can Do It!!

It's been a while, and soooo much has transpired in the midst of it all. Well for starters, I recently celebrated my 1st year wedding anniversary and my 27th birthday, and naturally I refelcted deeply on my life, my goals and priorities.
It's a blessing to have life, and I am even more inspired to fullfil my God given purpose with fervor and intensitiy.

SageEden Media Group is certainly growing and this summer, we have been preparing to launch some new services and products to our diverse market. We have been recently providing many organizations with strategic coaching services in the areas of customer service, media, branding, business etiquette and communications.

We have also been forming amazing partnerships, and invite you to look forward to CONSTELLATIONS, (a professional networking event) this November to be the first to hear what we are launching!

Now onto five lessons that I have personally learned from running a business!

1. Know what your business is.

Honestly I think for the most part, people jump into business based on an impulsive desire to transition from employee to employer. Not much time is devoted to planning the intricate details of what the business will entail, and most importantly, how the business will make money, and sustain itself. Furthermore, when I first started my business, I tried to do everything, but quickly learned that outsourcing and delegation was the most efficient way to get things done on time and well.

So I would encourage anyone thinking about going into business to first remember that a business is like a seed that need consistent nurturing and will bring forth fruit in the right season!
Your business will cause you to mature so don't give up on it.

2. Your website.

Before I launched my business I devoted months to developing a website that would be reflective of myself and the company's vision. While I made many changes along the way, and even relaunched the site (www.sageedenmedia.com) I was thankful that I did spend the time on it to ensure that clients around the world could have a snapshot of my business 24 hours a day.
Some people may wonder if a website is a necessary investment at the start of the business. I would dare to say that it truly is. You would be amazed to know how many customers review your website before they contact you for services. So on that note, ensure that it is clear, concise, user friendly and contains key information that your customers may need to make the decision to contract your services.
Allow your website to make a good first impression and then your quality service will do the rest!

3. Your Office Space

A huge problem many face when starting a business is finding the perfect location to work from. Diving right into renting an expensive office space without fully considering the long term costs associated, was one of the major lessons I learned the hard way.

Please understand that you will be required to maintain your rental payments during the great and not so great business months, so if you can create a professional space in an area where you have to incur little to no overhead cost, then by all means, start there!
Some of you may be transitioning from a full time job to your own business like I was a few years ago. Don't assume that your savings will stretch forever....I found out that all of the savings you have can be consumed in a start up business within less than a year. So be wise and allow your funds to be used on the most important things needed to grow your business.

4. Accounts

In my first two years of business I made the mistake of a) Not paying myself a consistent salary, and b) Not being consistent with using my business account for BUSINESS purposes ONLY! Two huge mistakes and I entreat you not to make the same.
Even if you decide to pay yourself as little as  $100 per week, that is better than nothing at all. You still need to maintain a personal account so that you are able to pay for gas (transportation) lunch, and other miscellaneous items that may come up.
The best advice I would give is to see your business as another person- it is a separate entity and should be treated as so. This means that you should not dip into your business account for things like vacation, shopping, or even emergencies.
Let SageEden Media coach you on how to utilize the Jar System to increase your ability to manage your money, and watch it grow.

5. Networking

May I say that this has been an amazing tool in growing my business from the ground up!!
Please note that if you are an entrepreneur, your business is your baby! Be proud of it no matter what stage it is in. Tell others about it. Be willing to barter goods and services with other partners. Be open minded and go to events where you can be sure to meet other forward thinkers! One conversation can spark a series of profitable events in your company. Trust me on that one!
I also would encourage all of us to invest in attending conferences locally and internationally where you will meet others from diverse cultures. Travelling also allows you to gain inspiration and new ideas.

So get motivated to take your life and your business to the next level, and feel free to share your story with us via facebook or comment on this blog!

Until next time!

Yours In Success