Tuesday 31 July 2012

LIFE....Seize It!

Life...Seize It and Maximize Your Potential!

Happy Tuesday! Well I'll be traveling back to The Bahamas today, and as I sit and ponder I think about how few of us live at our greatest potential on a daily basis... Imagine if a caterpillar never transformed into a butterfly?
What robbery it would be to the caterpillar and to the world. While the caterpillar goes through a natural process to get to it's fullest potential, we have to challenge ourselves to do the same.

As I enjoy the sights and lights of a new environment each time I travel, I can't help but wonder what life would be like without ideas- All the theme parks, malls, attractions, transportation, entertainment, food... This is where wealth creation begins.
When we allow ourselves to be caught in a web of boredom doing the exact same thing year in and year out, how will we ever grow?

What bright ideas have you come up with lately? Even if you may not think your idea is great, there is no harm in trying it out.
Think back to primary school where we learned how to create brainstorming webs, and use paint, and other art tools to create, imagine and train our minds to build from ground zero.

We created without inhibition, free from fear of the outcome and in the end, we were proud of our creations even if it was just our painted handprints. Simply put, that in itself is an original as no one else has quite the hand print that you or I do.

During my coaching or training sessions, before we begin dealing with the subject matter, I start with a brainstorming session- a short period where I remind the team that they are free to be creative, think in color, and be who they truly are without fear of being judged.
Believe it or not, just starting off a session letting them know that their imperfections are allowed let's us all open up and dig deep into issues that may be resulting in things like tardiness, low productivity, theft, lack of teamwork, or simple low morale on the job.

Potential is a word that has various connotations- for the most part it is viewed Asa better position to be in than someone or something that has no potential at all.
The way I view it, potential is always a great starting point but who wants to live in potential all of ones life?

Potential living for the outgoing, ambitious individual just won't do. Which category do you fall into? Are you taking your potential to the next level? Are any of your ideas being acted upon? Are you investing financially in your dreams? Are you praying toward God's perfect will for your life?
My hope for us is that our potential can evolve into the greatness that is tied to our destiny.
Having life means that there is the potential to accomplish the great. Don't get discouraged. Rather allow the dark moments to usher you through to the light that is yours!

Turn potential energy into kinetic energy.
Bloom where you are planted and watch your seeds grow into an orchard!

For one on one or organizational coaching, contact me at info@sageedenmedia.com

Until next time, keep growing!
Yours in Success!

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