Thursday 15 March 2012

How to Tweet to the beat

Hey everyone! Here are a few tips to help you Tweet your way to success in your personal and business life!


1. Above All, Keep It Personal

Although Twitterers like CNN breaking news  have been very successful, generally, corporate Twitter accounts are a mistake. Twitter is about person-to-person communication and not a broadcast tool for faceless corporations. To use it in that way is to miss the potential of Twitter.

Does that mean you cannot have a Twitter account for your organization? Not at all. They should include personal content and a dialogue with followers.
This is important because it enables you to make a connection with your followers. An open and honest relationship with followers is very powerful. It builds trust, loyalty and engagement. It encourages repeat traffic and word-of-mouth recommendation.

2. Learn From Others

I have learned a lot about Twitter just by reading the tweets of those I admire. I personally enjoy tweets from Nick Cannon and Kim Kardashian. The way that that they add a personal touch and humor to their tweets makes it more user friendly.

3. Get A Good Desktop Client

Without a shadow of doubt, the most powerful Twitter client currently available is TweetDeck This application not only runs on Windows, Mac and Linux, but also provides a range of superb tools for managing your life on Twitter.

With TweetDeck, you can create groups, filter tweets, monitor certain subjects as well as post tweets, replies and retweets. In fact, it is so powerful that it can be somewhat intimidating at first. Don’t let that put you off. Check out this shoial on TweetDeck’s core features, and you’ll be up and running in no time.

4. Use Twitter On The Road

If your Twitter account is going to be personal as well as professional, then you will almost certainly want to use it on the road. One option is simply to use Twitters mobile website. However, if you are fortunate enough to have an iPhone, then there is a wealth of Twitter clients available to you.

5. Tracking The Results

TweetStats is just the tip of the statistical iceberg. There is an ever-growing number of tools you can use to track your activity on Twitter. However, the ones that really interest me are those that track click-throughs. What I really want to know is, if I post a link on Twitter, how many people click through?

So stay on track with who is interested in what you have to say in order to track your progress. You will be glad you did.

6. Follow And Be Followed

Always remember that Twitter is a two-way conversation. A big part of successful tweeting is replying to those who tweet you. Twitter is not just about who follows you, either. It is also about who you follow. So keep up with your followers and those who you follow in order to stay afloat in the Twitterverse.

7. Integrate Whenever Possible

If you intend to use Twitter for anything other than personal use, it needs to be incorporated in the rest of your Web strategy. That means it needs to link to your other online activity, including your website and other social networks. There is no shortage of tools to help you do this, from the basic Twitter site to a  tool for sending your tweets to facebook.

One tool that caught my attention is called Twitter feed. It posts content from an RSS feed to Twitter, which is a convenient way to update your followers on new posts. However, use any tool that automatically posts to Twitter with caution. It can easily become annoying if used too much. Also, it lacks the friendliness of a personal post.

8. Don’t Over-Think It

Of course, the problem with all these tools, statistics and analysis is that they can suck the spontaneity and personality from your tweets. While some of those late-night awkward tweets are best left behind, you want to avoid making your tweets too sterile.
Let me elaborate I am a fairly good speaker but when I am forced to think to hard on what I am about to say I freeze.  But view Twitter as your avenue to express yourself in any way you see fit and you will be a success!

Tweet on fellow Twitter-lovers!! Good luck!