Wednesday 6 March 2013

Ready, Set, Let's Grow in 2013

Ready, Set, Let's Grow in 2013!

It's March, and the excitement is growing as 2013 unfolds. Truly we see that time waits for no one, you are either flowing with time, or trying to "catch up" with it. 

Over the past few months, I have really been reflecting on what is important to accomplish this year. Even as I write, and share, I am approaching each blog entry with the perspective of, how can I encourage or inspire my readers today....

My thought for you is to launch out into the deep this year. Do things that you are dreaming about. Don't procrastinate  and most importantly, keep Christ as the center of all you do. Without Him, we are nothing. Point Blank.

Have you ever thought about whether or not you are currently enjoying your life? No REALLY....are you enjoying the life you are living? We only get to live once, yet sometimes we treat life like it's something trivial, doing random activities, that bring no joy or fulfillment into our space. 
I encourage you to take inventory of your relationships, personal and professional and determine who or what needs to continue with you in 2013, and what needs to be re-evaluated. 

In other news, I am so excited to share with you the fact that I recently launched my new website, It took focus and determination to get that done in January and I am so thrilled that I had the assistance of Life Coach, Kaylus Adams along the way. It's important that we remember to ask for help when we need it! :)

The Sharell Carroll brand was launched to provide a distinction between who I am and what I do. Truly, I enjoy the world of media, public relations and communications, but my main purpose and mission is to help people live the lives that they are dreaming about, and to assist them in discovering the purpose that God created them for. I am excited to see how this new brand will grow, and the new people I will have the opportunity to impact. 

On February 28, I launched and hosted Corporate Heels and Cooking Spoons,  the movement that challenges and inspires women to live balanced and successful lives! It was a major success, and I am grateful to all who participated. It was an investment, a labor of love, and a seed into the lives of those who were present. The feedback I am still getting makes me know that it was all worth it!

So yes, I've been productive. I chose that word as opposed to busy, because I am not trying to be busy at all this year....rather productive and VERY SELECTIVE with which projects I engage in. You see, time is fleeting, and we must ensure that each second is used wisely. 

The next big event coming up on April 13, 2013 is Business Builders Immersion- The theme this year is, Building The Medallion Entrepreneur, Helping YOU to WIN in Business. I am so excited for the audience who will take advantage of this session. It will be an intense incubation of sorts where we engage in Master Mind Groups to give focused attention to the needs of entrepreneurs, and actually solve problems on the spot! 
The speakers include, Deborah Bartlett, CEO, Gems Network, Wellington Hepburn, CEO, The Bahamas Speaks & HR Director, Kernzer Intl., along with Keshelle Kerr, CEO, The Training Authority & Creative Wealth Bahamas and Lashonna Knowles, CEO, All U Natural Hair! 

If you know someone who is seeking to launch a business, then encourage him or her to register. Sometimes we fail to give others the opportunities to succeed, and I want to challenge you to share the wealth this year. 

Look forward to many more inspiring posts and please share what new and exciting things are happening in your world!

Continue to represent yourself and your business to the best of your ability. I am proud of you, and I know that you will succeed! I am here, supporting you along the way!

Yours In Success!

Monday 26 November 2012

Constellations -"Living Out The Imagination"-- 11.29.12

A Retrospective Look....

Wow, it's November...the eleventh month of 2012.

Constellations, our annual business networking event will be held on Thursday November 29, and we are so excited to share with our current and potential clients, as well as those who are simply interested in networking with professionals in diverse industries.

The topics that will be covered include:

The Art of Networking
Creating A Stronger Presence
Creating an action plan for 2013 and Discovering your path to Wealth!

The hosts along with myself include: Kim Welcome, Keshelle Kerr, and Kaylus Adams. We are SO excited to share!!
We will also featuring special dance and entertainment performances that will be sure to inspire your socks off!!

As I ponder on this year to date, I think about all the opportunities that were created out of what appeared to be "problems". I hope that you can look back on the past 11 months, and feel that you maximized your time, the priceless gift given to us!

So in the midst of planning various events this year, I have been busy consulting on everything from goal setting, public relations, self esteem building, image and also enjoying being a wife! Life can get crazy at times but I choose to flow with the river of life!!!
I wish for you to be successful in your mind, body, and spirit and soul!

So what will you be up to in 2013?? Let me know and we can plan together!!


Thursday 9 August 2012

The Benefits of Specializing: PR Coaching Workshop, Communicate to Impact!

It Pays to Specialize!
Join the Coaching Workshop, Communicate To Impact, 8.30.12
Happy Thursday!

I hope that you are filled with inspiration's another beautiful day, where we all have the opportunity to do something different that can change our lives for the better.

If you are considering becoming an entrepreneur, or are a professional blossoming witin an organization, I  wanted to remind you that specializing in an area of discipline will reap benefits.

Those who specialize in a particular set of skills, take extra time to develop their craft. You wouldn't go to a general practitioner for a specific surgery, simply because you would seek out the person who specializes in your specific area of need.

Sometimes it may seem difficult when thinking of an area that you may want to pursue specific knowledge in. Here are some questions to help you think through the process a bit more clearly:

What would you like to be known for? Start here. Do you want people to know you or your business for the quality service your provide? What about efficiency, or offering something new to the market? Ensure that you know the answer to these questions before you open those business doors!

On Thursday, 30, August, SageEden Media Group will be hosting, "Communicate to Impact" A Coaching Workshop Designed to Enhance Public Relations"

This is one of the area in which I specialized my training, and I thoroughly enjoy what I do.

The highlights of the program include:

SageEden Media Group Presents:

 “Communicate to IMPACT”

A Coaching Workshop to Enhance Public Relations

Thursday August 30, 2012

8:30am – 3:00pm

British Colonial Centre of Commerce, Fourth Floor, Suite 400 #1 Bay Street, Nassau, The Bahamas

Facilitated by: Sharell Carroll, MBA
CEO, SageEden Media Group, PR Consultant and Coach, Former Journalist,

Receive Cutting Edge Trends To:  

·         Sharpen your Verbal and Written Communication Skills for Media

·         Prepare Effective Press Releases and Presentations (PR Tool Kit Provided)

·         Speak with Clarity and Confidence

·         Strengthen Internal Messaging/Communications.

This Workshop is Ideal for:

·         PR/Marketing  Managers

·         Account Executives

·         Writers

·         Journalists

·         Freelancers

“Effective Public Relations is the hidden secret that can boost revenues and market presence.”
Investment: $150.00
Includes: Lunch, PR Kit, and Parking
Registration Deadline: August 27, 2012. Reserve your seating TODAY.  
 Contact: (242) 356-0646 or email: to register!

Ths is an example of how you can begin to brand your area of interest. Host a session or two where you share the information you have with others in a creative way!
Once you find a need in the market, fulfill it, and you are well on your way. We hope to see you at "Communicate To Impact"!

Until next time,

Keep Growing!

Yours In Success

Tuesday 7 August 2012

How to Build Sustainable Relationships

How To Build Relationships

We all need people. In business and in our personal lives, people help us to get from one step to the next. Each one of us has a gift that the world needs, and sometimes it's the relationships in our lives, that help to develop our gifts more and more.

In this particular article I share on how you can develop authentic professional relationships that will change your life and how you live your life.

Let's look at how we view ourselves first. In order to have friends, we must be friendly. Do you see yourself as someone who adds value to the lives of others? Or are you simply looking to receive? Note that mutually beneficial relationships are the ones that last in most cases.

Meeting new people. It is important to meet new people in difference spheres of influence in order to expand your network and circle of professional relationships. This also allows you to connect on different levels with people, and learn how to interact professionally and socially. 

While Networking:

How you approach someone is key: No one wants to feel like they are being stalked or bombarded. If you admire someone and want to connect with them, approach in a friendly manner and state your name, organization and what you do. It's good to open the conversation with something that you know about the other person.

The art of networking effectively is a skill that we all can sharpen. Don't forget to have professional cards designed that you can swap with others.

Maintaining Solid Relationships:

As I reflect on the friendships and professional relationships I've built over the years, I am so grateful. Colleagues near and far have been some of my best clients, or have made referrals on my behalf.
It is certainly beneficial to stay in contact with college friends, and also to help each other with projects and events.
You would also want to keep the lines of communication open through email/the internet and via phone so that you can build the relationship year after year.

Ensure that you work on retaining the relationships that you have while seeking new ones!
Happy Networking!

Yours In Success!

Friday 3 August 2012

Developing A Wealth Mentality

Developing A Wealth Mentality

Wealth is a mindset. Ever wonder why it feels like money just flows through your hands? No matter how much you try to save and invest to build wealth it just seems like it is for the exclusive few?

Well let's take a look at how we view money, and how we view wealth.
There are a list of questions that you can answer at your own pace. After attending the Millionaire Mind Intensive Conference, Atlanta GA, I realized that the way we think about money, finances and wealth is a direct corelation to how much of it we have, and how much of it we share. I hope this helps you to take an introspective look and make new decisions to improve your financial life.

How does your family handle money?
Many of our traits are genetic. This is no different when it comes to handling finances. For example, if you come from a family where both or one parent saved and never spent unless it was ABSOLUTELY necessary, you may find yourself doing the same. Sometimes, this leads to living a life of a hoarder where you never truly enjoy what you are working so hard for. Just be careful! Saving is great, but don't be so caught up on it, that you get wealth to spend it on building your health later in life.

Are you aware of how you spend money?
Sometimes, we spend money JUST BECAUSE. Many of us are emotional spenders...It's funny, because many times I make a purchase, and refer to it as, "I'm treating myself". Don't get me wrong, it's wonderful to treat yourself, but just do it in moderation. :)
Some persons spend money just to impress others...not a good idea. Remember that you are in your own race, and you set your own pace. Never compare yourself to others, and never envy what another person has. You do not know what he or she did to get it. Point Blank. Work for what you want, and then be willing to share it with others...after all, WE DON'T OWN ANYTHING...we are stewards!

What are your beliefs about money?
If you beleive that money in itself is evil, do you really think that more of it will be attracted to you? That's an easy NO. It's what you do to get money, and what you do with it that could be questionable. Also, remember that, "As a man thinketh, so is he" so check your thoughts, and naturally your actions will flow from there.

Do you beleive that wealthy people are generally mean, greedy, or unethical?
Most people without a substantial amount of money, portray those on the opposite end as frugal, evil, unkind etc. There is just a negative connotation-- maybe because you are wishing that the lifestyle you are observing could be yours? While there are some wealthy peope who may leave much to be desired, there are many other examples of wealthy people who are philanthropists, and givers to a large extent.

Do you think that you will lose friends or family if your financial status changes?
Many times we fear the unknown. This is natural. We all have to work to overcome various fears. For some people, they fear that they will lose the current friends/family that they have or gain too many if they start to amass a large sum of money. I beleive that people should love you for who you are. You should never have to buy love, and if you do, that person is not a genuine connection, and you need to make some adjustments! :)

Can you become wealthy doing exactly what you love doing?
Yes, yes and yes! We observe that everyday, someone is getting paid for doing what they were born to do! If we love what we do, we never work a day in our lives...and this is where we all should some point in our lives! It's VERY possible.

Do you feel that because managing money and finances is not your strength that you could never really have any?
Trust me when I say, you are not alone. Managing money is a skill, and it can be learned. Just how one learns how to play the piano, or paint, write and walk, we can all learn to be better stewards of our finances if we put the effort into it.

What are you doing to multiply the money that you do have?
One never becomes wealthy through the mehod of addition. It's multiply to grow! Think of creative ideas on how you can multiply your current income and most of all, be grateful for what is is that you currently have, while working on increasing it!

Furthermore, develop a mindet of victory, where no matter what happens, you know that it is all working together for your good.

Re-training your thoughts takes effort, because in most cases, we are what we have beleived for the years that we have been alive. Make a consciencious effort to build a legacy of wealthy, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically.

Until next time,
Keep Growing!

Yours In Success,

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Remember Your First?

Happy August Everyone!

Let's jog down memory lane for a few moments. As August 1st greets us, I thought it would be interesting to research what one really represents.
One signifies unity, uniqueness, and agreement in purpose and action.

I'm sure you remmeber your first love, that first time you travelled to country that was culturally different than yours, your first job, or even the first friend you made during school days. Whether for good or not, we remember the first, and in most cases for many, the first marks the beginning of something different or something new.

Those who are trailblazers do things differently. They are usually the first to start a new trend, create something new, or the first to launch a new product or service. The characteristics of someone who always seeks to be first include: a winner mentality, dilligent, committed, focused, or someone who is not easily discouraged.

History always records those who are the first at something-- even if it did not quite work out as initally expected.  This is a great indicator that we should all be working to be first in our area of purpose and in completing our assignments.

Personally, I enjoy taking a monthly assessment of where things are in my life because it gives me the opportunity to make immediate changes. Already we are in the eighth month of 2012, and time is moving rapidly. With that in mind, it's imperative that we move and change with the time as it flows. Before we know it, December will be here then we will see the new year....

If you don't want to be in the exact same place this time next year, then use your time as a precious gift, because that my friends is what time really is!

What's on your agenda to get done this month? Take it one day at a time, and keep pressing forward!

"There is a time and season for everything under the sun"

Until next time,
Keep Growing!

Yours In Success

Tuesday 31 July 2012

LIFE....Seize It!

Life...Seize It and Maximize Your Potential!

Happy Tuesday! Well I'll be traveling back to The Bahamas today, and as I sit and ponder I think about how few of us live at our greatest potential on a daily basis... Imagine if a caterpillar never transformed into a butterfly?
What robbery it would be to the caterpillar and to the world. While the caterpillar goes through a natural process to get to it's fullest potential, we have to challenge ourselves to do the same.

As I enjoy the sights and lights of a new environment each time I travel, I can't help but wonder what life would be like without ideas- All the theme parks, malls, attractions, transportation, entertainment, food... This is where wealth creation begins.
When we allow ourselves to be caught in a web of boredom doing the exact same thing year in and year out, how will we ever grow?

What bright ideas have you come up with lately? Even if you may not think your idea is great, there is no harm in trying it out.
Think back to primary school where we learned how to create brainstorming webs, and use paint, and other art tools to create, imagine and train our minds to build from ground zero.

We created without inhibition, free from fear of the outcome and in the end, we were proud of our creations even if it was just our painted handprints. Simply put, that in itself is an original as no one else has quite the hand print that you or I do.

During my coaching or training sessions, before we begin dealing with the subject matter, I start with a brainstorming session- a short period where I remind the team that they are free to be creative, think in color, and be who they truly are without fear of being judged.
Believe it or not, just starting off a session letting them know that their imperfections are allowed let's us all open up and dig deep into issues that may be resulting in things like tardiness, low productivity, theft, lack of teamwork, or simple low morale on the job.

Potential is a word that has various connotations- for the most part it is viewed Asa better position to be in than someone or something that has no potential at all.
The way I view it, potential is always a great starting point but who wants to live in potential all of ones life?

Potential living for the outgoing, ambitious individual just won't do. Which category do you fall into? Are you taking your potential to the next level? Are any of your ideas being acted upon? Are you investing financially in your dreams? Are you praying toward God's perfect will for your life?
My hope for us is that our potential can evolve into the greatness that is tied to our destiny.
Having life means that there is the potential to accomplish the great. Don't get discouraged. Rather allow the dark moments to usher you through to the light that is yours!

Turn potential energy into kinetic energy.
Bloom where you are planted and watch your seeds grow into an orchard!

For one on one or organizational coaching, contact me at

Until next time, keep growing!
Yours in Success!