Hello to all of my fellow brides to be! As you are planning, by now you realize that a wedding is a lot of items to organize. From the dress, to the flowers you will hold, everything is a decision methodically thought out. When you are planning a wedding, a lot of times it is the little details that make a big impact but are also easily forgotten during planning. It is my goal to help you not forget any aspect of your wedding.
Think of it- your favorite photos to view from weddings include the bride standing as a loved one is helping her with her veil or dress in front of the ceremony venue. In this photo you see the beauty of the dress, the poignancy in the love and bond she has with her family and also the hope she has for this day. Another well loved photo is of the bride walking down the aisle towards her husband. I'm sure these are two that are on your must have shot list. Have you ever wondered if there was a way for you to carve out your mark in that photo- to make your photo one that everyone will remember?

Many photos get lost in the bustle of bridal photos. But you can make yours stand out. Where do you want your wedding ceremony photos to fall? Do you want to be memorable? Do you want high impact? One guaranteed way to do this is in customizing your aisle runner. Personalized wedding items are always a big success! Especially hand painted personalized aisle runners- they are more than just a fad- they afford you the opportunity to let persons truly see the style that you and your groom have. It adds a touch of class to your wedding day.
No matter your style there are aisle runners to suit your individual tastes. From beautiful simple designs for the more reserved to the elaborate designs for the more vivacious personalities. With a little creativity anything is possible. Many couples choose to simply have a word or phrase like: "Love", "Today I Marry My Best Friend" or "And They Lived Happily Ever After" on their aisle runner.
The key to an aisle runner is to match it to your wedding theme and style. You can add flowers, sea shells, stones, candles and many other items to the aisle runner to personalize it even more. If you are worried about length, don't be, because no matter the aisle's length an aisle runner can be created to suit you.
If you really are thinking of adding a customized aisle runner to your details, trust us they are worth it. Our CEO Sharell, who was married in June, had a very creative aisle runner for her nuptials. It was creative and showcased the colors and details that they wanted. It was created by SageEden and Whatever you dream of now as you think of your potential aisle runner- know that it is possible. If you aren't sure of the style you want research and look for photos for ideas of what would work well for you.
Customized aisle runners are a definite DO for any wedding- and they can fit any budget. Affordable, custom aisle runners designed in house by SageEden can be yours. For further information please contact us at sageeden@gmail.com. Until the next time stay planning, stay inspired, stay blessed!
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