Hope is the dream of a man awake.
– French Proverb
Hope, imagination, purpose are all words synonymous with successful persons. Without a purpose you will never know when you have achieved success. Success is not an elusive item that only the elite can aspire to- it is something for everyone who dares to imagine.
If you have never imagined before- this might be hard but I want you to take a clear sheet of paper, a pen, and go someplace where you can truly be alone. Close your eyes and really think, imagine, dream of things you would like to do if you had an opportunity to.
What is it that you see as you close your eyes? For me I see publishing novels that will effect a change in the world around me. What is yours? Write it down. Writing down your dreams & goals helps you to remember them and have a point of reference. This becomes your preview of what you will achieve in your lifetime.
Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attraction.
– Albert Einstein
After you have written down your aspirations I want you to find someone who is closer to where you want to be and ask them to be your mentor & accountability partner. You don’t have to have just one but no more than four I believe is appropriate. Many of the great men & women of today had mentors who believed in their dreams even when they didn't. Your mentors will be a source of strength whenever you are feeling low or defeated. Choose persons who will have your back regardless of what you are going through or what happens.
Next, I want you to look at your influential circle and as you are looking at it make two lists. In the first list place the persons who are building you up and will motivate you upward; on the second list you would place your naysayers- persons who most likely have dreams themselves that they are afraid to speak into being, these persons would be the ones you will mentor as you grow. As you succeed you want to build up the persons around you. Being the change you want to see is good, but sometimes you have to create the change in others.
A strong imagination begetteth opportunity.
– Michel de Montaigne
Create the opportunities you need for your goals as you are working at them. You would be surprised how when you have a purpose you are more focused and find opportunities in places you would never expect. Open your mind to different paths that you may have to create to get to success.
Finally, I want you to remain awake to your goals, try not to fall asleep on the job of completion. Eat, drink, & breathe your dream. Sometimes we get busy ‘dreaming’ of our goals when we should be working at them. Look at every task in your day as something that gets you one step closer to your hopes.
What is it that you have a hope in? Is it that someday your small company will be a conglomerate; or maybe it’s that you would bring out creatively the voice that is within you? Don’t let the grave reap the rewards of your potential- it is rich enough as it is. Whatever it is that you hope in you have to dare to strive to achieve it.
Never forget that your imagination will spur you to higher heights- you just need to persevere & work at it. Now that you are imagining for more, believe in it and you will have it. As you have achieved your goals, set new goals & always continue to hope, imagine, succeed!
Believe that you have it, and you have it.
– Latin Proverb
For more information on goals, motivational & corporate training contact us at SageEden International Media Group for more information.
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